
********* Network down

Posted by fliggil, 09-05-2004, 11:38 AM
Havent been able to get on my domain, or *********.com for at least an hour now, I was hoping things would get better with this host but lately it seems as bad as ever.

Posted by fliggil, 09-05-2004, 11:41 AM
also does anyoen have the 1800 number for them, I seemed to have misplaced it and obviously cant get on their site to get it. thanks -Matt

Posted by Mark_YH, 09-05-2004, 11:41 AM
Unable to resolve target. It appears down for me as well. You might want to ask the Mods to move this into the Outages forums... Google Cache is your friend (their 800 number) Last edited by Mark_YH; 09-05-2004 at 11:45 AM.

Posted by fliggil, 09-05-2004, 11:48 AM
sorry meant to post there.

Posted by Lev, 09-05-2004, 11:55 AM
Down here as well, I'm sure we'll see a responce from sandee29 (owner) soon.

Posted by Donnar, 09-05-2004, 12:58 PM
This is posted on their website: We are experiencing a major outage on SVR02 Cpanel. Earlier this morning around 4:30 AM we experienced a Kernel Panic. The server would not respond and a restore was needed to fix the problem. We are in the process of getting the server backup and responding along with all web sites. We are working as fast as we can to restore all web sites. No ETA on getting everything up and running. We apologize for the inconvenience and will continue to work until the problem is solved.

Posted by wheimeng, 09-05-2004, 01:04 PM
Yeap. I hope everything is in correct order...

Posted by fliggil, 09-05-2004, 01:08 PM
To anyone else using *********, is it just me, or has there been a more than acceptable amount of downtime lately, it seems theres an attack or problem every single day.

Posted by Jordan's Hosting, 09-05-2004, 01:19 PM
Whats colortech?

Posted by I, Brian, 09-05-2004, 01:24 PM
I actually thought ********* must have been hosting with LunarPAges on the DDoS'ed server. And which time zone are they referring to with "since 4:30 this morning"? PST, EST, Mountain Time...GMT?? Been a long time down, though.

Posted by fliggil, 09-05-2004, 01:34 PM
theyre located in texas, so id assume central.

Posted by dromano, 09-05-2004, 01:44 PM
this is horrible.. you'd think they'd at least have their site reroute to one of their other servers so we can use the contact page. I'm kind of annoyed by this. but i guess thats what i get when i use a really cheap hosting provider Says its down since 4:30am. its 1:44pm now? whats going on!?

Posted by colorteck, 09-05-2004, 01:45 PM
We are experiencing a major outage on SVR02 Cpanel. Earlier this morning around 4:30 AM we experienced a Kernel Panic. The server would not respond and a restore was needed to fix the problem. We are in the process of getting the server backup and responding along with all web sites. We are working as fast as we can to restore all web sites. No ETA on getting everything up and running but hopefully we can have this completed shortly. We apologize for the inconvenience and will continue to work until the problem is solved. Thank you and have a great holiday weekend

Posted by fliggil, 09-05-2004, 01:45 PM
i believe i may start looking for a new host, any suggestions, im looking for ~25-30gigs bandwidth, up to 1gig space, need php but otherwise nothing else

Posted by Donnar, 09-05-2004, 01:53 PM
Thanks Sandee. What is a kernel panic btw? Sorry have never heard of this before.

Posted by dromano, 09-05-2004, 02:22 PM
kernel panics are the linux kernel locking up. system freezing. normally happens due to misconfigured kernel or system. or hardware failure... I jsut dont understand why, almost 12 hours later, it isnt fixed.... after the first 1-2 hours, a reload should of been started.. if that didnt fix it, the server should be inspected and swapped. seems like someones taking their sweet time fixing this.

Posted by sivph, 09-05-2004, 02:28 PM
fliggil, don't worry, your not the only one considering moving. I just recently moved to this host after my last host could no longer meet my needs, and right now I'm wondering if I made a good move.

Posted by dromano, 09-05-2004, 02:34 PM
sivph, ya same here. was down every day for 2 hours. for almost 2-3 months. i JUST switched to ********* after reading good reviews on this site.. I guess they've never ran into big issues before...

Posted by fliggil, 09-05-2004, 02:44 PM
I've been with ********* sicne mid-April, for the first 4 months or so, I'd say it was near 100% uptime, I was very satisfied with everything. Starting somewhere this summer, there were sporadic outages, and recently there have been constant attacks on the system, I don't think there's been a full week without a decent amount of downtime in a while. the support is usually good when I need to call, but that doesn't always mean they're keeping the system running well. They sent out an email recently saying they were going to add a mirrored server to basically guarantee 100% uptime, but as you can see it's been a solid 12 hours now of downtime, I'm already working to make a transition to another host. Maybe in a few months if ********* gets their act together and has that 100% uptime thing going I'll come back, but right now my site has more traffic than ever before, and I can't afford to be down half of a day.

Posted by dromano, 09-05-2004, 02:55 PM
Ya i'm lucky my site is for personal usage. too bad i had important emails coming today.. still not up. 13 damn hours later. I want a refund. i'll definately be calling the host to demand this. I signed up. about 45 days ago.. this is SICK.

Posted by coight, 09-05-2004, 03:25 PM
Give them a break servers break down from time to time for various reasons, as long as they are keeping you informed then you should really not be complaining. It's a Sunday go out and get some fresh air

Posted by coight, 09-05-2004, 03:27 PM
It takes time to restore a server. Rebuilding a system takes 60-120 minutes. Preparing it and securing it takes another 60-120 minutes and then the longest task is restoring the data.

Posted by Donnar, 09-05-2004, 03:32 PM
I have full faith in Colortech & I too have recently moved onto them they are hosting two of my domains plus a couple of referrals I have sent through, I was concerned when I saw all my files were gone but now I know the problem I'm not that worried. ALL major hosts have problems at one time or the other so have some patience and instead of knocking them place yourself in their shoes and see if you can do a better job.

Posted by colorteck, 09-05-2004, 03:40 PM
Well this happen this morning at 4:30am. I have been up for a total of 36 hours now. We had to do a complete restore of the OS-CPanel and now are restoring all the web sites. This is something we could not prevent as the system would not boot at all. We are working as fast as we can to get everything back to normal. There is no reason to put ********* up as we have called around 100 people this morning and put the page up so everyone would know what is going on. All the contact numbers are in your welcome email but as explained here and on our web site we are working on getting things back to normal so calling support you will get the same answer as well. There is not much you can do in a situation like this except work as long as fast as you can to get thing up and running.

Posted by coight, 09-05-2004, 03:48 PM
Yep it's dreadful stuff Sandee, been through it myself a few times (hard drive failure's not kernel panics).

Posted by I, Brian, 09-05-2004, 04:10 PM
Jumping from one host to another solves nothing, because - sooner or later - whoever you host with is going to experience some major problem. You simply cannot escape hosting emergencies - you simply have to expect your host to deal with it as best they can.

Posted by coight, 09-05-2004, 04:35 PM
Could not have said it better myself Brian.

Posted by dromano, 09-05-2004, 05:02 PM
its just that... 12 hours later...? thats beyond the timeline that would be expected.. if it was down for 5-6. i wouldnt mind. just frustrated thats all.

Posted by fliggil, 09-05-2004, 05:37 PM
Well I'm not sure if most of you are knocking me for looking into a new host, but you must understand that from my point of view, besides this 12+ hour outage, there have been many smaller outages for weeks and even months now. They sent an email saying that they had the potential to add a second server to in effect create 100% uptime in the event one server should go out, it would mirror to the second, what I dont get is why they would tell us they could do it, but then a week or so later theres this big outage and it seems they didnt do what they couldve to assure better uptime.

Posted by dromano, 09-05-2004, 06:07 PM
point.. match... game..

Posted by dromano, 09-05-2004, 09:09 PM
any word on whats going on? its 9pm EST.. i noticed i can log into my cpanel account, but everything is all messed up. and the www.*********.com error message stuff is gone? we fixed?

Posted by coight, 09-05-2004, 09:56 PM
fliggil my apologies, I was basing my comments about this outage. Dromano yes the backups take the longest to restore. Depending on the size of the backup it may take some time.

Posted by I, Brian, 09-06-2004, 04:36 AM
Still not up here.

Posted by I, Brian, 09-06-2004, 04:59 AM
Well - there's a response for my site - Not Found The requested URL / was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. Did ********* migrate their IPs? Actually - although their main website is up, none of their support mechanisms are working - there is absolutely *nothing* posted in their forums, and clicks through to their support results in a error: "Zend Optimiser not installed". You would think that hosts would have learned by now about emergency planning and the importance of customer communication.

Posted by Donnar, 09-06-2004, 09:55 AM
It was posted on their Forums and also an email was sent out.

Posted by I, Brian, 09-06-2004, 10:12 AM
When the forums were up before, there was *nothing* in the announcements from yesterday onwards. No e-mail was received here. Their forums seem to be down again, though.

Posted by Donnar, 09-06-2004, 10:19 AM
Well its weird as I recieved the reply from here when you posted and at that time I was on their Forums I had just finished replying. At that time everything was nearlly fully restored, I have only been offline 4.5hrs and now I see its all gone again. But yes it was posted what was happening.

Posted by sivph, 09-06-2004, 10:45 AM
Never got an email and I'm preparing to find new hosting. Confidence is low, this ship seems to be sinking quite quickly.

Posted by dromano, 09-06-2004, 11:09 AM
what the hell is going on now? its almost 24 hours later? seriously? i can log into my cpanel, but nothing is setup. my account specs are all unlimited. none of my data is there. how long does it really take to restore a backup? are they sending it back to the server from their house using a 56k modem? this is ridiculus.

Posted by Cirtex, 09-06-2004, 11:26 AM
Hi, I think the best thing to do right now is try to contact ********* if all possible via AIM/MSN/YIM or iCQ and or call them. Hope they'll be back up asap.

Posted by Mark_YH, 09-06-2004, 11:31 AM
Unable to resolve target system name *********.com. Searching for A record for *********.com. at ns3.*********.com.: Timed out. Trying again. Searching for A record for *********.com. at ns4.*********.com.: Timed out. Trying again. Looks like the server is still down from here, yet it was up last night. I'm thinking there is more to the problems then they may have first thought, perhaps major hardware failure? Calling them will be the only way to find out what's going on at this point...

Posted by colorteck, 09-06-2004, 04:40 PM
You know I have been here for a while now and I have always stood up for Ev1 servers until this episode. These people in the datacenter this weekend are complete idiots. I ordered a restore on the server. and all heck brakes loose. Got the server up and running and what do they do they pull the drive I just got restored. NowI had to start the restore process over again. Now what do they do next they apologize for all of it then pull the server for Violations that we know are there and are getting it taken care of from a security technician. I will post the whole story and the trouble tickets as well so all of you can see what kind of nightmare EV1 has caused us. You will not believe what you read and probably will make some of you look else where if you are thinking about EV1 Enough of the ranting as we are getting everything back up as long as EV1 keep their fingers off of our server. Sorry for my frustrations but I have been going through this since yesterday at 4:31 in the morning and these cracker heads can not just leave my server alone. All of this could of been handled in about 4 hours but Ev1 has turned this into over a 24 hour episode. Why the hell would they pull my master drive that I just got a restore on then I spent numerous hours resoring all the data to only have to do it one more time??? Does this make sense? I will make sure the headsurfer gets all logs pertaining to this incident and I will no longer stick up for EV1 ever again! Now we are working on the server and have ordered EV1 not to touch the server again. I am working on it as well as Gpan and we will have everyone up. I am sorry for this to all our clients but this should have only been down for a few hours but EV1 keeps playing musical chairs with my hard drives. But now they have been ordered to stop!! This has cost us alot of money and I am not worried about this. But what really gets me upset is they apologize then turn around and do it again and blame it on a shift change. Un-realistic. Last edited by colorteck; 09-06-2004 at 04:51 PM.

Posted by Donnar, 09-06-2004, 04:50 PM
Wow I dunno what to say, can data centers legally do this sort of stuff? Can you take legal action against them? Is there any estimated time Sandee of when everything will be fully restored, I can understand your frustrations in this.

Posted by colorteck, 09-06-2004, 04:54 PM
I will have to wait until Tuesday to take action. usually they do not do this kind of behavior. But for some reason they keep screwing up. The server will be up today as I have asked them not to even breathe on the system. There are two Techs that will be working to restore everything once again. We have all website restored that where on home2 but have to get the other hard drive restored. The server will go up and down today as we do this. Can not give an ETA just yet. But we will have everything done today.

Posted by colorteck, 09-06-2004, 05:03 PM
The ship is not sinking we just have had some aweful bad luck this weekend. You are free to move on if this is what you are prepared to do. We have been in business for almost two years and we have clients that will tell you we normally do not experience hardly any downtime. We have other servers that have not gone down at all. Just an unfortunate problem that we are working hard to fix. But this situation was a big screw up by the Datacenter and not any of the staff at *********. When everything is up and running you will see exactly what happen by the actual log. To prevent this from ever happening again we plan on cancelling with Ev1 and moving all client to a new server. This will take place next month.

Posted by fliggil, 09-06-2004, 06:00 PM
Seems like *********.com is up and running now, any update on when the member sites will be up?

Posted by sivph, 09-06-2004, 06:10 PM
Then I wish to apologize for my previous comments and it adding more stress to your already bad weekend. Normally I would wait this out, but I feel another host is currently my best option, it was out of your hands it seems but two days...

Posted by colorteck, 09-06-2004, 07:13 PM
No I understand your frustrations but I am extremly mad right now at these idiots at EV1. I have Gpan going into restore some web sites and they switched my drives again. I have put a strong statement that if they even touch the server again I will be driving to Houston to personally greet these guys. This is got to be the darwin award of the century as they continue to play the EV1 bowl with my hard drives. For all of you in the hosting business that have your web servers at EV1. I pitty you if you ever go through what I have been through. After we lock EV1 out and get the server up with all web sites I will post the whole transcript so you can see how un professional these people where who worked this weekend. We will have everything up today no matter what I will promise this to you.

Posted by colorteck, 09-06-2004, 08:29 PM
Mostr of the web sites are online now. There may be a few that are still getting restored. We finally told EV1 to not login to our servers ever again after this !! Any of you finding errors on your web site we will announce on our support forums when the restore is completed and the system is back to full health. After this has been done please report any problems you may be having with your web site by email or support ticket. This outage only affected SVR02 all other Cpanel and Ensim Pro server where not affected at all.

Posted by colorteck, 09-06-2004, 09:47 PM
For those of you who are having problems with your web site or it has not come online yet. please follow this thread. Thanks http://*********.com/iboard/

Posted by Aussie Bob, 09-06-2004, 10:18 PM
sandee29, hang in there. Sometimes it really sucks to be a webhost, and it's things like this that was a small reason for me selling up etc. Learn from what's happened here, and move on. You'll take a slight hit with your clients etc, but the sun will rise in the morning.

Posted by colorteck, 09-07-2004, 01:47 AM
Thanks bud I have experience our very first nightmare as if you looked at me right now you would think I just went through a hurricane. One thing I do not understand is why EV1 kept playing with my drives then I would get things up and running and they would restore my old bad drive as the master and put my drive I just got all restored back as slave. Not only did they do this once ! This can be excused but they did it so many times I loss count.. Now I finally got rude after no sleep for 36 hours now going on well I dont know now and told them do not dare touch the server. I have Gpan fixing some of the issues as I work to restore some of our other problems. I have never worked so long in my life. This should have never happened. I understand a Kernel panic but you get a restore then just start loading your data back. But to be playing football with the hard drives is just plain ridiculous. I do not know who EV1 had in their data center this weekend but I hope I was the only one to get treated like this. I dont wish this on any one at all. But all is working out now as I may get some sleep about 4:am in the morning but as usual with a restore you will get some hicups here and there that will need to be fixed.

Posted by fliggil, 09-07-2004, 02:19 AM
I can get into my cpanel, though very slow, but cant access my pages, sandee do you know when everything will be working fully? thanks, sorry if ive seemed a bit of a jackass on these boards, just been extremely frusturating being down, thanks -Matt

Posted by Donnar, 09-07-2004, 02:34 AM
Hey fliggil, sandee posted this above:

Posted by fliggil, 09-07-2004, 02:53 AM
ah ok thanks.

Posted by colorteck, 09-07-2004, 03:36 AM
I dont have an eta on the server load going back to normal as soon as the restore completes. Fliggil you went to oneandone ? Good luck with your new web host. You will be able to get your backups just use the account cancellation form to cancel your account so we can take you out of the billing system. It takes a while to run the restores as there is alot of Data.

Posted by colorteck, 09-07-2004, 03:38 AM
Here you go the one that was posted above from donnar is not working. I do not know where that 404 page came from. http://*********.com/iboard/ I appreciate you all hanging in there as this has been a tuff time but we are almost done so this is what I have been waiting for. Holidays you are always short on people so I have had to deal with almost on my own with the help of Gpan. The help desk is up as well.

Posted by I, Brian, 09-07-2004, 06:54 AM
Glad to see you're finally up, Sandee. I'm afraid I'm one of those who have already re-pointed their domain - but this is simply because there was no e-mail received about what was actually going on. After 24 hours of downtime a decision simply had to be made. (I did finally receive an e-mail this morning, stating that the server was back up, but I'd already moved). All hosts suffer poo at some point - somehow seems an inevitable part of the learning process. Unfortunately, too many good hosts forget about customer communication in times of crisis, and this is where customers can start to panic and move on. All the best, though - I doubt I would have any problem coming back to ********* in future, as you at least seem to have your head screwed on right with regards to overcoming a crisis to simply get on with it.

Posted by fliggil, 09-07-2004, 11:53 AM
I dont remember saying I was going to 1&1, which I'm not, I'm actually going to try out Micfo. I see you guys have new servers and such planned for October, so if things don't work out with them, I'd go back to ********* assuming everything is back up in order and such.

Posted by sivph, 09-07-2004, 05:53 PM
I am also going to be trying out Micfo, but I will consider doing business with Color Teck again.

Posted by colorteck, 09-08-2004, 02:57 AM
Good luck to both of you. We did send out emails to all who had their correct email in Cpanel plus we have been communicating on the phone-support forums and here as well. This was one huge mistake by EV1's datacenter and I really did not expect this to happen at all. All they had to do was quite switching the hard drives around. They where so confused at Ev1 this holiday weekend I think they where all drinking! But all is well now and this will definitely be a huge learning experience as EV1 has always been good to us until this weekend. We would have been up Sunday Afternoon or most likely early morning if EV1 would have not made the stupid mistakes they made over and over. A priority restore is suppose to take 2 hours not 14 hours for them to finally figure out what hard drive they installed the restore on. Every time I started to restore the web sites all of the sudden the server would go down and then it would come back online with all my work destroyed. Not just once but numerous times. I could not tell you how many times we where in the middle of a restore and had to start over again. We talked to over 100 people on the phone concerning the outage. There where only two of us working because of the holiday weekend so things got a little tight there for a while. But any way, if you need any help getting your data just let us know and we will be happy to help.

Posted by Mark_YH, 09-08-2004, 11:49 AM
I sure hope you post this whole ordeal in detail in the Dedicated Server forum so EV1 might see it and take the opportunity to reply. I sure would like to hear what they have to say about all this...

Posted by colorteck, 09-08-2004, 06:08 PM
Yes I will as soon as I get everything set back up and everyone happy again. Plus I will need to get some rest as well. Yhey sent me an email saying they where sorry today for the incident.

Posted by colorteck, 09-08-2004, 07:30 PM
Ok just wanted to get some of you up to date on this. Ev1 sent me an email letting me know they where sorry for the miss understanding. We have had a few servers at EV1 for almost two years. We as well have servers located at other datacenters. The incident that happened this weekend was very unfortunate for us and as well as EV1. I don’t know what caused this but it happened and now it is over. They did not charge us for the restore which was good and did mount the second drive today. I guess problems can happen like this every once in a while with any datacenter. I still am going to continue to support EV1 on these forums as 99.999% of the time we have had excellent services from them. For all clients everything has been completed and we have finally helped everyone out with some small problems they where having.

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