

Posted by TheHostShed, 04-18-2017, 03:22 PM
Greetings, So, i just wanted to know what your opinions on GreenGeeks web hosting is. They claim to have 300% Powered by Renewable Energy and all. The packages arent too crazy and what not but i feel like its just a front for some reason. I bought their reseller package few months ago and the speed and everything was okay, but the support was horrible the live chat never helped much and always took so long.. Do you guys have any experiences with them?

Posted by Tyl3r, 04-18-2017, 03:41 PM
It's just marketing.....

Posted by LJSHost, 04-18-2017, 03:42 PM
Sorry to hear the support is not much help, I heard the name before and know they have been around a while but no experience with them myself. As for the 300% Powered by Renewable Energy I would say yes it's just a marketing strategy to appeal to those who value that sort of thing. Perhaps they have 10,000 hamsters running on wheels or something

Posted by Tyl3r, 04-18-2017, 03:46 PM
They are in the same datacenter as we are - there's nothing "green" about it. It's sad they purposely lie to customers. They might say they have a recycling program in their office or something which makes them green, but the datacenters aren't green by any means.

Posted by TheHostShed, 04-18-2017, 03:47 PM
Lol, thats funny! Maybe, i don't know but they were really appealing to me at first because of the idea of a "Green" Host however, they seem a little like i said sketchy, and like a front, its always like the same 3 support members i see, for such a big company i would assume there would be more, but the packages do not seem to bad other than that its more just the support than anything else. And i'm surprised some of the things they offer arent on the front end, but rather you have to ask for it or ask the support members for a link..? My... i guess you could call it, dream, is to have web hosting company that runs completely off the grid, by solar and wind energy only and having the most efficient servers possible but also being able to allow for cheap/reliable/great hosting as it would be a little cheaper in the long run? No power bills but you did have to invest in the solar panels and wind mills and such to get the system running. Currently my home i solar powered during the day, i need to work on getting it 24/7 but during the day, ofc when its sunny, sometimes even cloudy days, it runs 100% on the solar panels and even has enough to turn the grid back.

Posted by LJSHost, 04-18-2017, 03:51 PM
What sort of things are you referring to ?

Posted by TheHostShed, 04-18-2017, 03:53 PM
Well, for example i think they off SSL, domain registration and domain privacy but there is not links around to know at first i thought they only did the hosting until i went to order and i had the option to buy a domain. Maybe they just want to keep it limited for the clients only?

Posted by LJSHost, 04-18-2017, 03:59 PM
I would think they offer domains, some providers do some don't. But free SSL should be available to you. Sorry to say but you got duped as @stablehost said data centers eat unholy amounts of power and trying to power them using solar, wind etc is not going to happen for a very long time. Hope the support get's better for you. Customer service is everything in this business and it's doesn't sound like you are being looked after.

Posted by SenseiSteve, 04-18-2017, 04:10 PM
Thanks for sharing that. Maybe they've purchased millions of carbon credits.

Posted by Josh-D, 04-18-2017, 05:54 PM
I'd appreciate if you didn't' spread false statements as factual. This isn't a marketing gimmick or a "lie" as you falsely claim. Instead of attacking others in order to show your signature I'd recommend taking a few minutes to do some research. We publish all information clearly on our website! To address the specific concerns regarding our 300% Green claims. GreenGeeks works in conjuction with the Bonneville Environmental Foundation to purchase Renewal Energy Certificates (RECs) to offset the total usage of our network & operations. This includes offsetting the carbon utilized by our multiple DataCenter Partners (GreenGeeks is in 7 datacenter locations worldwide.) along side the usage of our staff, offices etc. Customers can request confirmation of our partnership with B-E-F by contacting our support department at Additionally some review sites have posted our certificates on their website which you can find with a quick Google search. Sources:

Posted by Josh-D, 04-18-2017, 05:58 PM
Hello Ettevi, I'm sorry to hear you had a bad experience with our live chat team. I'd love to learn more about your problems you experienced and how we can resolve these for you. If you could reach out directly at I'd be happy to help! I will mention, specifically, with our Live Chat, this is more for basic general inquiries. Support issues that require accessing to your account in order to resolve are nearly always pushed to a support ticket for proper documentation & account security reasons. That said, we have and continually will make adjustments to our teams to ensure the highest quality support is provided.

Posted by MaherS, 04-18-2017, 06:00 PM
As long as they're accredited by many parties, I can say that they indeed provide servers powered by renewable power as well as they've been in this business for a long time.

Posted by TrentaHost, 04-18-2017, 06:03 PM
I love my Canadian's! Now, do you guys only employee Vegan staff members? or is animal cruelty not part of the "green umbrella"; just pulling your strings but good to see some good in society!

Posted by Tyl3r, 04-18-2017, 06:09 PM
I think they are based in California. I'm not sure what's up with their .ca domain.

Posted by TrentaHost, 04-18-2017, 06:11 PM
Just local Canadian employees then?!!

Posted by Josh-D, 04-18-2017, 06:16 PM
GreenGeeks is a California-based business with staff located around the world. For the first few years, we employed staff solely in North America (US & Canada) however in recent years with our rollout in Europe & Asia we began hiring staff worldwide. Shout out none the less @TrentaHost

Posted by TheHostShed, 04-18-2017, 08:17 PM
I understand that but there should be some degree of security incase if anyone wants instant support and not have to open a ticket, such as some way to confirm the account. For example my domain name servers were having issues with the automated system and it took 2 days to fix because the live chat couldn't do it, as well as the cancelation period took 2 weeks to do because I placed the request and I didn't get an email until 1 week later when it would have been easier to remove my credit card or just have a button to remove the next payment or cancel my service. I do have full intentions to come back hopefully with a better experience than this one. I will email you later on tonight if not tomorrow with more details about it. I don't remember every last detail as it was a few months ago now ill give you the basics. And great to know that you really do have green servers. And that your staff is located around the world.

Posted by HumaneHostingOwner, 04-18-2017, 09:22 PM
I am confused on the metrics though. Isn't usages range from 0% (not green at all) to 100% (everything is off settled)? If so do you pay 3 times over your own footprints in credits and etc thus producing your marketing claims? Or how does this 300% comes to be? Thank you very much in advance.

Posted by TheHostShed, 04-18-2017, 10:01 PM
I believe that is so, they buy 3 times what they are spending thus generating 300% of the footprints which they use? I mean at least that's how I see it. I wish there was another way other than buy credits or such to reduce the carbon footprint such as I mentioned above about wind and solar energy, even if you do not run your entire database from renewable but to just reduce the actual waste produced instead of buying credits.

Posted by Josh-D, 04-18-2017, 10:31 PM
Thanks for the question @PersonalizedSysOwner You are correct, the general metric is 0 - 100%, at GreenGeeks we purchase 3 times (3x) our carbon usage. As such this makes it 300% (100% x 3). This was something our CEO, Trey Gardner, was extremely focused on during the creation of our company and remains a very important part of our DNA.

Posted by HumaneHostingOwner, 04-18-2017, 11:04 PM
Your are very welcomed, glad to see such efforts are being put into this. Thank you for the prompt clarification on this.

Posted by TrentaHost, 04-19-2017, 02:07 AM
Thanks for the clarification.

Posted by Simplex-Ed, 04-24-2017, 05:52 AM
It says a lot about the state of the world when people don't know about offsetting carbon footprints and how it works...

Posted by oediv, 04-24-2017, 11:56 AM
GGs were on my list of potential reseller hosts but have since been removed. If you already bought their reseller package a few months ago, you're in a good position to offer a review. Would you renew for another year once your contract runs out?

Posted by strugar, 04-24-2017, 01:46 PM
@stablehost Shouldn't be an apology in place then? I also believe half of claims in advertising threads are marketing gimmicks, but link from EPA proves they made a step forward compared to others.

Posted by Tyl3r, 04-24-2017, 01:57 PM
I haven't had time to go and look at the URLs posted, but now you got me interested in it. If they are really investing 300% of their datacenter power into renewable energy, then that's awesome. I'll be contacting them to learn more. Last edited by Tyl3r; 04-24-2017 at 02:03 PM.

Posted by strugar, 04-24-2017, 02:06 PM
Now, you skew it a bit. It's not 3,277,000 hours, it's 3,277,000 kilowatt hours, see column caption. The rest is up to you and sizing of your equipment - if you use a lamp or server or electric grinder or whatever of 1 kilowatt power, it's indeed 3,277,000 hours of their consumption. If you use a lamp or server or electric grinder or whatever of 500 watt power, it's 6,554,000 hours of their use. If power of your stuff is 10 kilowatt hours, then ut is 327,700 hours of use... and so on.

Posted by Tyl3r, 04-24-2017, 03:28 PM
Sounds like you know power more than me. So, let's say each server is 1 amp, how do we convert that into kwh?

Posted by strugar, 04-25-2017, 07:58 AM
I'm afraid you'll have hard time to find anyone who can answer that question... Which, by the way, does not have any relevance to my original message, you just elegantly avoided it. And edited your original answer, too, to fully change its meaning, but it's caught in the quote.

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