
Surpass Hosting Down -- Hurricane, I'm Guessing

Posted by Tokyo, 08-13-2004, 09:13 PM
Surpass Hosting went completely down at about 8:45pm EST. Both my sites on different servers went out, and at the same time, Surpass' web site went black. It should not be surprising, since their brand spanking new data center is in Orlando, which is now being slammed by Charley. It's anyone's guess as to how long they'll be out. This is not good... but Surpass can hardly be blamed for this one.

Posted by br3w0k, 08-13-2004, 09:19 PM
yes, my site in surpass has gone ... what happened exactly ... ? could you point me ?

Posted by Tokyo, 08-13-2004, 09:24 PM
Point you to what? The city is being hit by a Hurricane, it should be on all the news shows in the U.S., it's certainly on CNN full-time.

Posted by br3w0k, 08-13-2004, 09:26 PM
opss sorry i am in the other side of the world and dont see the CNN ... hope nothing bad happened ...

Posted by bigdawg, 08-13-2004, 09:27 PM
Huricaine, add me to the list my server is down!

Posted by Tokyo, 08-13-2004, 09:29 PM
Last night I remembered that I had not backed up my blog data for a few months, and thought that I should... but then figured, nah, it'll wait till tomorrow. You never know. The storm was not supposed to hit Orlando, it was supposed to go to Tampa, but turned suddenly. I can only hope that it's simply phone lines out, and not that the building was wiped out, like you see on many of these TV reports!

Posted by 3D Host, 08-13-2004, 09:45 PM
I never heard of Surpass Hosting before, but one of my servers was at a DC in Tampa, which wasn't hit. Check for the current weather conditions in Orlando. If the DC has raised floors, I imagine that might help protect the servers if the area was flooded. If power went out (which it probably did), then backup generators should have kicked in (if Surpass has them). Most likely some above ground fiber got cut by strong winds or flying debris and knocked their main connection(s) offline.

Posted by gg2004, 08-13-2004, 09:51 PM
My site is also down on Dimenoc, also located in FL. Hopefully they will be back up soon... GG

Posted by Tokyo, 08-13-2004, 09:57 PM
Sorry, not a techie here. What is BGP? I looked it up and it seems to be a kind of routing, but I don't know how it could protect against fiber/phone lines being cut.

Posted by gg2004, 08-13-2004, 10:23 PM
They are saying it is a power issue.... GG

Posted by Tokyo, 08-13-2004, 10:26 PM
"They"? Who, Surpass? Their site is offline... did you call them? And if so, did they give any indication of when they'd be up again?

Posted by gg2004, 08-13-2004, 10:32 PM
There site isn't offline, this message is on the home page: ------------------------------------------------ Dear Valued Clients, We are currently in a state of emergency. Even with efforts to keep all servers up and running during the category 5 hurricane charlie some of them have managed to fail due to different reasons beyond our control. Rest assured we are here working on the issues. We need your support and prayers more now. We will go into detail as soon as we can. For support you can contact us via the helpdesk (can't post link, I only have 4 posts) We are working to getting everything back up and running 100% in less than a few hours! We need your support by being patient and not being in panic. Regards -------------------------------------------------------- I contacted the help desk and was told that it was a power issue and they were working to get everything back up. GG

Posted by gg2004, 08-13-2004, 10:33 PM
I was told that the feed lines from the generators were shorted as well, so not only was the power out, the generators could not supply power either. In any case it seems they are working to get everything back to normal. GG

Posted by Tokyo, 08-13-2004, 10:34 PM
Well, the page is out where I'm coming from.... Both Surpass and Surmunity sites won't load for me here in Japan.

Posted by gg2004, 08-13-2004, 10:35 PM
From the helpdesk... ----------------------------- Hello, The lines that carry data(optical line) are also down. Regards, Josh Regards, Josh Ticket Details ========= Ticket ID: ZPG-61105 ------------------------------------------

Posted by Tokyo, 08-13-2004, 10:38 PM
Well, their main site just started loading for me, but my own sites are still down...

Posted by bigdawg, 08-13-2004, 10:47 PM
their site loads for me while mine is still down

Posted by bigdawg, 08-13-2004, 11:14 PM
I am back up so they did pretty good in a huricaine!

Posted by Tokyo, 08-13-2004, 11:19 PM
I'm back up as well. So they were out for about two hours. Not fantastic, but not horrible either. If this kind of thing happens only when a large hurricane comes their way, I guess I'll be OK with it.

Posted by gg2004, 08-13-2004, 11:23 PM
Still down here... I am always the unlucky one... GG

Posted by bigdawg, 08-14-2004, 10:05 AM
mine is back down and up now so it appears like they may be having intermittent problems still and down again Last edited by bigdawg; 08-14-2004 at 10:08 AM.

Posted by Paul, 08-14-2004, 12:57 PM
Hello, Should be back online now Thanks

Posted by bigdawg, 08-14-2004, 01:06 PM
Yeah it is back up now, Charly knows I was getting ready to duke it out.

Posted by br3w0k, 08-15-2004, 04:15 AM
yesterday its okey, up and running. this morning i found out my website is down ... along with surmunity and surpass main page ..

Posted by psfrog, 08-15-2004, 04:28 AM
The surmunity and surpasshosting sites were up an hour agoo. But now they are down, including all servers?

Posted by br3w0k, 08-15-2004, 04:57 AM
any idea what is the problem right now ? the hurricaine problem, it should be finished, right ? ..

Posted by psfrog, 08-15-2004, 05:12 AM
They are moving the servers to other racks. Got this mail hours agoo; ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Everyone, As most of you know Orlando was hit by a Category 5 hurricane at approximately 9:00 PM EST On Aug 14, 2004. Orlando was in a state of emergency and still is due to the damage done around the area. For those of you who are curious of what happened, here are some pictures which were taken by us in the area not too long ago: Our facility did not receive any damage. Our facility is able to withstand forces of nature like this. We are well prepared in case this happens again in the future. Rest assured your server is in good hands and with good people. We were here the entire time on standby. We managed to only lose connection to about 20 of our servers during the sudden loss in power while our backup generators and batteries delayed in start up. This is the first time we have used these systems and we are well prepared if this happens again, and we hope that it doesn't. Orlando hasn't been hit by a storm like this for 10 years we have heard. We managed to get the servers which didn't come up during that switch over, within 1-2 hours. We moved them to certain locations of the data center so that they could receive power. Tonight between 4am EST and 7am EST we will move servers back to their fixed rack locations. Your server may be down between those hours tonight while we re-organize everything back to how it was previously. We apologize for the short notice and also for the downtime which may occur. We are trying to get everything back to normal, and we are doing this in off time hours during the weekend to minimize impact. We do realize there is not really a day or night on the Internet, but we have to choose at least one time. We appreciate your patience and support during a crisis like this. We have come through with much success and will continue to provide the highest level of service you all deserve. Thank you! ----------------------------------------------- And this mail from support (at 10:55am GMT+1); ----------------------------------------------- Hello, Please be advised we have made an announcement for the current downtime we are experiencing If you didn't receive this notice we urge you please subscribe to the announcements forum so you can receive an email when a new announcement is made in the future. We apologize for the short notice but we are making every effort to get this done as fast as we can. With your support we have managed to keep service up 99.5% even during the hurricane charlie > . Your server should be coming back up within 1 hour. Thank you for your patience and cooperation. Regards, Ryan ----------------------------------------------- So I guess it will last another hour or so.

Posted by br3w0k, 08-15-2004, 05:14 AM
thanks for your information that explain the current downtime

Posted by alyussium, 08-15-2004, 06:34 AM
My website is down as well for more than one hour. I was thinking it was due to this hurricane... Surmunity forum is back online. I hope my website will be back soon too!...

Posted by alyussium, 08-15-2004, 07:28 AM
My site is back online now

Posted by bigdawg, 08-15-2004, 11:02 AM
Reading the e-mail from Ryan it states that they will be down tonight from 4am to 7 am, Does this mean tonight or was this referring to yesterday? Have they done the switch already or will it be back down again. That is a good time to preform the maintenience IMO.

Posted by Tokyo, 08-15-2004, 10:53 PM
Not the best time for me, I'm in Japan... and after their planned outage, they had another outage for several hours more in the afternoon hours EST. Their explanation: it's still the hurricane. I'm beginning to lose my patience here. They shouldn't have had the outage at all at first... then two more 3-4 hour outages in a day? And not just what happened today, but also a few months ago there was a huge outage, and just ten days ago they knocked one of my critical add-on domains off the air, and now this string of outages... I'm very patient when it comes to web hosts, but one more outage like that, I gotta tell you I'm gonna start shopping again.

Posted by bigdawg, 08-16-2004, 12:19 AM
Believe me I understand your frustrations and I did not know what a nightmare could be with hosting. Just shopping for a host can be a pain. I decided to give Surpass a chance and their package is great especially if you talk about price, I would gladly pay triple their price if my site was always up. This forum has some usefull advice as I almost took the plunge on IXwebhosting only to find out here that they posted the review that had them listed as #1 themselves. Currently I am looking at 24hostingnow as they seem to be at the top of my shopping list, Surf speedy I am also looking into. MY first host was Fatcow and they are great for uptime, service, however their cp was lacking to cpanel. For peace of mind knowing that your server will always be up Fatcow is great and I may go back for this reason. Downtime I do find unacceptable and am glad it was not worse this time and almost understandable due to the Hurricane. In the end neither are perfect, my old host which had solid uptime had a control panel that offered nothing while Surpass has had some downtime but their package offers so much more.

Posted by Paul, 08-16-2004, 02:03 AM
Surpass hosting uptime will be alot better from here out (I work in the datacenter it is located) Thanks

Posted by Tokyo, 08-16-2004, 03:14 AM
Well, I appreciate the reassurance, but, not to be grouchy or anything, I believe we were told something to that effect after the major outages a month ago. How can we be assured that it won't happen again?

Posted by Paul, 08-16-2004, 03:29 AM
Cause i'm on the job . Actually alot of stuff in the Datacenter has been re-worked, Whole new design, New network layout. That's what I and the rest of the team are working on . I can personally tell you uptime will be much better here on out Thanks

Posted by coight, 08-16-2004, 07:08 AM
Maybe you should remove the reference to redundant power on your webpage? You seem to indicate that you failed to test the equipment before the outage. Any good datacentre will ensure their equipment is in working order otherwise what is the point of having redundant power. I'm not entirley sure why you had to move servers to another location and move them back at a later time, to me it sounds like where those servers are located they don't have redundant power and the servers were moved to a location that was serviced by the generator.

Posted by coight, 08-16-2004, 07:10 AM
Wow what heros are they supposed to be outside? I would assume a datacentre would be one of the safest places to be with no windows etc.

Posted by Paul, 08-16-2004, 08:54 AM
Hello, Yea, you ever had to drive in a hurricane? Move between buildings ? Yea the datacenter was safe, The trip there for some of us was not. We do have redunant power supply, Batterys and power generators that recharge the batterys, Our generators are tested monthly, We could of never planned for the failures we had that day, We did our best to get it back online and have since re-worked our backup plans and spent alot of money in redesigning the Power Redunancy issue Thanks Paul Fleming

Posted by bigdawg, 08-16-2004, 10:49 AM
Just to make myself clear, I like Surpass and you guys are on the job and I would renew with Surpass. I hope that the assurance from Paul is not in blind faith but facts. I signed up July 3rd and there have been a couple of minor issues. I have some Doctors and Clinics as clients and I would hate to send them an update on their site only to find out they they could not access it due to it being down. Question for Paul. My Domain registar has room for 5 servers, Surpass are in the primary 1 & 2 servers, if I added some backup servers on three and four would it have a rollover effect, if the Primary servers were down? I realize that the files would have to be at both ip addresses. I tried to set this up before and it caused my site to have to re-propagate all over again. When I did this Hostway which has my domain mixed up the primaries causing this problem. Thanks in advance BD

Posted by Paul, 08-16-2004, 11:22 AM
Hello, Simple answer, yes. Their are some other ways to do this, if you would like you can contact me via email,phone,or AIM. I will list my AIM and Email here DimeNoc Paul If you require my phone number please PM me and I will so provide. Thanks

Posted by Tokyo, 08-18-2004, 01:31 PM
You must not be on the job right now, Paul. Surpass has crashed yet again. Both my accounts, your main page, forums, everything. This is getting rather tiring.

Posted by gg2004, 08-18-2004, 01:44 PM
Hostdime is also down..... Since I have been with HD (Late June) I have experienced almost 50 total hours of downtime. That is just unexceptable. I understand they were hit with a hurricane, but if they had all the redundent power and such which they advertise, why do they continue to crash??? usual..... GG

Posted by Tokyo, 08-18-2004, 01:49 PM
One of my accounts' email is back up for the moment--but that's it. Everything else is still down.

Posted by gg2004, 08-18-2004, 01:54 PM
About 20 minutes ago my site came back online long enough to refresh my browser, than it went down again. Still usual..... GG

Posted by bigdawg, 08-18-2004, 02:07 PM
My site is back up, fingers crossed, but I have added back up servers with 24hostingnow so that I will have a rollover effect if Surpass goes down in the future. I am out the door now but will have to upload my site to the new server when I get back. What would be nice if one server was slow it would rollover to the server with more bandwidth, do not think it works quite that way. At least I have servers in different locations so my chances should be a lot better

Posted by kaila, 08-19-2004, 07:37 AM
My website is back up, but the Surminity board is still down. Too bad they couldn't have used this planned municipal outage to test their backups.

Posted by Tokyo, 08-19-2004, 08:39 AM
If that's so, then what happened to the backup power? The datacenter should not be dependent upon external power. Combined with the fact that the datacenter went down in the hurricane when external power went and the backup did not cover that either, it really does not sound like there is a backup generator, at least not one hooked up to all the servers. Sorry, but that's a very plain observation that I don't think many here would disagree with. I've tried to ask in helpdesk tickets for a specific explanation, and all I get back is, "we're working on it," and never any specifics. Same on these forums, for that matter--sorry, Paul, but a flippant "I'm on the job" is not enough to reassure me. I know that giving specific descriptions of failures and remedial actions and repairs are not SOP for web hosts, but when stuff has gone this wrong, people who pay for an advertised product that is not being delivered deserve a straight answer--or at the very least an explanation of why one cannot be given. If given a choice, I'd prefer that to a free month; at least with the datailed explanation, I'd have a better idea of how likely it is that my site will be up at any given time. Am I out of line on that?

Posted by coight, 08-20-2004, 01:34 AM
I guess they don't want their board filled with complaints

Posted by bigdawg, 08-21-2004, 03:37 PM
Board is down, my site is down, they definatly have some issues and their own site is down , I guess this means I do not have to contact them.

Posted by br3w0k, 08-22-2004, 09:54 AM
down again todayyyy almost everyday .....

Posted by bigdawg, 08-22-2004, 10:10 AM
Sorry to say this Surpass but I stand by my original comment before the Hurricane. They are just not reliable!

Posted by br3w0k, 08-22-2004, 10:10 AM
why is everyday ?, surpass please explain ... i have payed by my board member to provide them with good service.. now you've ruined everything ....

Posted by br3w0k, 08-22-2004, 10:13 AM
yes, now i am in doubt of surpass reliability. few days after the hurricaine, i still believe in them ... now ??

Posted by bigdawg, 08-22-2004, 10:18 AM
Well I have Surpass and while they offer a lot of bang for the buck, I like cpanel, their downtime is unacceptable, I have never had a hosting problem until I switched to Surpass. They are just plain not reliable. Both of my previous servers never had any downtime at all, one was even in India but up 100% of the time. I have not even had Surpass a month and they are up most the time but there are consistant problems and I see I am not the only one. The above was my first comment about Surpass and in fairness I have tried to say nice things but this downtime is pathetic I have a doctors site on mine and they truly do not have time to play around with this ongoing problem that dates back to before the Hurricane. Seriously I do not think that i could think aof a worse host for downtime

Posted by cyberdyn, 08-22-2004, 10:34 AM
Well I too can say that I am not a happy customer. Surpass hosting has been a pain in the rear for us with Downtime, mySQL Failing, Overloaded CPU and lack of support Well all execpt for a guy called Luke P he's been great to us but otherwise support has been lacking at times. As has information about when they have problems. So we went to the parent HostDime and payed for a Dedicated Server. Well at first it was great no problems with it (apart from our own finger trouble) Then midnight UK time Lastnight I get an AIM saying there's a problem our server is conflicting with the IP's of another server and they are going to change our IP address block (ok were still really new so i suppose that's ok) However my question is why did they give us the IP's if they conflicted in the first place. Anyway one of their Techs made the modifications and then did (from what I can tell) a force reboot of our server. The result - It totally shafted our server It's DEAD 100% so I was telling them this on AIM and was told that He (whoever He was) was going in the DataCenter that moment to personally walk up to and fix our server. Well that was 5am Sunday (today) now at 3:30pm guess what. No replys, no communcation of any type, we cant get through on the phone and Oh yea...... Our server has NEVER come back up. Wow what service really inspires you and gives confidence dont it - NOT - All i've been told it "It's been refured to an Admin" well where are they ?? all down the pub because I know one thing sure as hell they aint fixing OUR server which DID work UNTIL THEY messed up the Settings. Oh and to top it all the ENTIRE HostDime, Surpass etc Site now cant be accessed from any of 5 different ISP's here in the UK. Does anyone know something that would help us ? Comments & Suggestions Welcome

Posted by br3w0k, 08-22-2004, 10:41 AM
cyberdyn, sorry to hear your story .... lot bigger than mine ... i dont know what suggestion for you .. but i am will explode if im in your position ...

Posted by bigdawg, 08-22-2004, 10:44 AM
Surpass is the same as Hostdime so to host a site with Surpass and also with hostdime is not a good idea, if one is down chances are the other one also. Hosting can be a nightmare as proven by our hosts. I just wish my former host used cpanel as I would switch back in a heartbeat.

Posted by bigdawg, 08-22-2004, 10:46 AM
Surpass is the same as Hostdime so to host a site with Surpass and also with hostdime is not a good idea, if one is down chances are the other one also. Hosting can be a nightmare as proven by our hosts. I just wish my former host used cpanel as I would switch back in a heartbeat. They make statements about how they are prepared next time with backups is rediculous There is no backup it should not have happened to begin with and this dates back to before the Hurricane so stop looking for excuses

Posted by br3w0k, 08-22-2004, 10:47 AM
are you going to move after what happened today ? i really like to shop again, but i've paid surpass for one year service. do you think i can get my money back ? ... if yes i'll be glad to shop again ... (surpass is my 3rd hosting, i moved out from the other two because of the same reason, continuosly down). At that time supass is really reliable and surmunity is awesome ...

Posted by cyberdyn, 08-22-2004, 10:49 AM
Beleive me I'm primed like 20tons of TNT and ready to Blow..... Just I'm in the UK and there in Orlando or else I'd go down there in person and give them a peice of my mind.. Unfortunatly no one is using their AIM or phones so I cant speak to them. I agree about the Cpanel it's only because of the level of control we need that we went Dedi, Also it was supposed to inprove our reliability since we could reboot it if needed and not wait arround for hours for one of their people to do it. I'm just so steamed about this because it's their peops that changed the IP's and then killed my server. then to top it all ran off and WONT fix it.... GRRRRRRRRRRR Beleive me moving again is a thourght.... However I dont want to have to spend 2 days configuring everything again.... Well that and continue to put up with the lousy mySQL uptime on Surpass Server Pass4

Posted by coight, 08-22-2004, 10:52 AM
Obviously you can't offer the world for nothing. If your offering everything under the sun for $65/year something has to buckle somewhere. I'm sorry to hear of your bad experiences with your host.

Posted by cyberdyn, 08-22-2004, 10:53 AM
$65 I WISH we paid them $160 for the Dedi

Posted by bigdawg, 08-22-2004, 10:58 AM
I would gladly pay triple but I am sure that they have troubles with dedicated serving as well because you would think that they at least would host their site on dedicated servers

Posted by coight, 08-22-2004, 11:01 AM
If you would pay triple go with another host.

Posted by bigdawg, 08-22-2004, 11:03 AM
I was looking at your packages and I see that solid internet is on 5 servers do your customers get to use 5 name servers?

Posted by br3w0k, 08-22-2004, 11:04 AM
more than an hour down ... guys, can you guess what happened in one hour ? is it just lost of power or anything else ? and why suddenly all server are gone ? if power down, isnt that enough to make it up online less than an hour ? ...

Posted by coight, 08-22-2004, 11:05 AM
Multiple Nameservers really don't assist your uptime unless you have sites hosted on multiple servers. To answer your question however no, we don't provide 5 nameservers.

Posted by coight, 08-22-2004, 11:08 AM
I'm sure they will be back soon, however it maybe advisable if they keep their main website on a different network even rent a cheap server at just so their clients know what is up. $100/mth is pocket change if they invested it you folks would not be here complaining.

Posted by cyberdyn, 08-22-2004, 11:10 AM
hey guys something else interesting.... Surpass - HostDime etc all say Multiple connections to the Net dont they... Well how's this.. Ive just spoken to Mitch (apologies if spelt wrong) at (Also at the DimeNOC) and guess what. The latest total failure (affecting in his opinion 30'000domains) is caused by their main router failing. Oh and BTW they dont have a secondary because that would cost $$$$. Duh! So they will charge me $160 per month + lord only knows how much in total for all the other domains..... But they aint spending the money on buying a secondary router...!!! EEk!

Posted by coight, 08-22-2004, 11:13 AM
Ouch, no redundancy? Depending on what type of failure it is you might be offline for some time yet. Atleast you got in contact with them which is a good sign.

Posted by cyberdyn, 08-22-2004, 11:14 AM
Actually I did'nt get in contact with HostDime but rather another company who is in that Data Center. Credit to Josh B @ Surpass though he's admitted there's a network problem and told me their working on it :EDIT: I should say Josh B told me that after I emailed Surpass..... It was ServerCove that gave me the jucy info

Posted by arielhosting, 08-22-2004, 11:15 AM
They have got a couple of servers in NJ but they moved hostdime itself to the florida dc. Even if was up, that would not mean WE were up, so from that point of view is no use, but at least they could communicate with their clients when there IS a problem. That's what we do - the client facing hosting site is on a separate server, in a separate datacenter, to the client sites. So I can contact all MY clients and tell them the server is down (if they hadn't already guessed) but I can't tell them WHY it is down because of HD being so poor as to not tell us

Posted by bigdawg, 08-22-2004, 11:19 AM
Actually I did have another couple of hosts it is just that they bost expired after a year at the same time. I have been searching for another host as backup and even added one but when they were down before my site had time to propagate I decided to cancel, Yes i like my old hosts but they do not offer subdomains or cpanel and I have subdomains since switching to Surpass so it is a little more than just switching as I am finding out the problems that are out there with other hosts. like writing their own reviews and so on

Posted by arielhosting, 08-22-2004, 11:23 AM
Yes, just had an email response from Josh B to a support ticket I raised. This is one of the problems with HD - great you get told someoen is working on it, but really you need a bit more info to tell your clients LONG do they expect the problem to last? What is causing it? Why do the redundant network connections they apparently have not seem to make any difference whatsoever?

Posted by cyberdyn, 08-22-2004, 11:23 AM
Good point, Hosts writing their own reviews and testimonials. My company offers our list of testimonials for anyone to read. Each testimonial also has the Name, Address, Email and Tel so peops can check them ourselves... Honesty - It's the only Policy

Posted by kaila, 08-22-2004, 11:24 AM
I really wonder if they are having a peering problem with TW or whoever else they use. It would seem logical that a fat pipe issue, a power outage (which has already been demonstrated), or cable cut would be on the short list of reasons why everything Surpass/Hostdime owns would suddenly fall off then net.

Posted by cyberdyn, 08-22-2004, 11:25 AM
Also in responce to arielhosting comment I was just told this: Partial Quote----- Hello, Our support team is not located at our data center. Thanks, Josh End Quote----

Posted by arielhosting, 08-22-2004, 11:26 AM
I believe a lot of the support is outsourced to a generic call center - that's probably where this Josh B guy is.....

Posted by bigdawg, 08-22-2004, 11:53 AM
I had a host have their calls outsourced to India but their DC is in the US and very stable compared to the rollercoaster ride of Surpass

Posted by samm, 08-22-2004, 11:56 AM
Well, you posted this a week ago, yet surpass is down again. All my sites on surpass, the surpass status and forum sites have been down all morning. (I had to register in this forum, beucase I can't talk to people in the surpass forum!) Why does surpass host its support on the same network as the sites?! The uptime of surpass is ridiculous. I advise people I know to use my old host, who I will be returning to when my plan at surpass is up, even though it is much more money. I was foolish to pay for a year at surpass, I don't even know if I can last through the rest of the time. This has nothing to do with the hurricane, either. Since I signed up, I get timed out of visiting my site or checking email serveral times a week, and everyhing is down on the clockwork. It is impossible to host a business site on surpass. You would lost customers daily. I don't know how resellers can handle it. Thanks for letting me vent!

Posted by alyussium, 08-22-2004, 12:03 PM
My website is down too ;-(... I've received 2 emails from saying me that... I hope it'll be back online soon (again...). I'm sad cause surpass is faster than my old host, but for now, it's true that my website has been down several times... As I can't access the forum, as well, I need to know informations here... I just hope surpass will correct this problem quickly...

Posted by br3w0k, 08-22-2004, 12:09 PM
2 hours ... and how long it will last ??? ..

Posted by samm, 08-22-2004, 12:14 PM
The longer I sit here, the angrier I get. This is the 4th long term downtime I can think of this month. If the sites ever come back up, I am going to spend the day backing up all my files so I can shop for a new host this week. I know that surpass is very cheap; I assume they are overselling their services, and now so many people have signed up, it is catching up to them. Last weekend, the sites went down for 45 minutes, and they chose that time to redesign their bulletin board?! When something goes wrong there, they make a joke and say "it must be gremlins". They are not a serious company. The people on the 'surmunity' are like nazi youth; if you dare to be critical of surpass, you get shouted down, then a bunch of "Surpass ROCKS!!!" posts are made.

Posted by alyussium, 08-22-2004, 12:15 PM
They are working on it, maybe a router problem... I'll tell you when my website will be back online ^-^... Well, I'll work on it locally .

Posted by coight, 08-22-2004, 12:21 PM
Again that depends on the type of failure, but being on a Sunday depending on the level of hardware support they receive from their supplier it maybe a while if it requires a changeout. Routers are not cheap they can range from a couple thousand dollars and above. If it costs 20,000 for example it's alot of money to spend on a second router that will be virtually idle as a backup. However considering the size of surpass hosting/hostdime it is a little puzzling why they wouldn't add the extra redundancy. I'm not entirley sure if the message posted earlier is indeed correct or not. I guess you have to wait until their up or a rep comes here and explains it.

Posted by bigdawg, 08-22-2004, 12:24 PM
The funny thing is I had gone to all the trouble of doing just that but when the new host was down before my site even had a chance to propagate I decided to cancel and now this. I got clobbered in an e-mail from Surpass just because I said they were not reliable on this board and this was back in July

Posted by arielhosting, 08-22-2004, 12:25 PM
Well, the HD support people were not told what to problem is, just that it is "network connectivity issues". I asked the for more info, how long etc and got this: That was 50 minutes ago.....

Posted by br3w0k, 08-22-2004, 12:27 PM
yes i aware that what i need is someone come and explain something here, so i would not worry. Can sleep well if i already give an explanation to my user ...

Posted by br3w0k, 08-22-2004, 12:32 PM
surmunity is up and running ... not my website..

Posted by samm, 08-22-2004, 12:34 PM
I don't know what good that does. I have people who I share sites with, and there are some sites that i host/service for people. Every week, they call me or message me asking what is going on with their email and site. Since I can't contact Surpass, I can't tell my friends/clients anything. What am I supposed to say: "looks like some problems; try again in 3 hours"? It is embarrassing.

Posted by br3w0k, 08-22-2004, 12:35 PM
now all is up, including my site with more than 2 hours down for today... hope this is the last time ...

Posted by br3w0k, 08-22-2004, 12:37 PM
did the same way like you do, in fact i have to dissaperaed from my IM .. i cannot lie ... so really annoying ....

Posted by samm, 08-22-2004, 12:39 PM
Thanks for posting that. My sites seem to be up. I can check yours if you want, unless you are hiding your identity!

Posted by cyberdyn, 08-22-2004, 12:40 PM
LOL Well said Dude!!!

Posted by alyussium, 08-22-2004, 12:41 PM
My website is up too right now ^-^.

Posted by samm, 08-22-2004, 12:45 PM
It's no joke, if you mention that surpass is down people post like you should feel lucky that your site is ever up. Heck, it's almost like they are glad when surpass goes down just so they can say how grateful they are to the hard workers at surpass when it comes back up. I really think that some of the 'members' there are actually surpass employees.

Posted by cyberdyn, 08-22-2004, 12:54 PM
To all on this forum - Regarding the comments made by the login Cyberdyn This is no way a reflection of the opinion of the Management or Staff of Cyberdyne-CS These comments were posted by and EXTERNAL IT Advisor. The information that was posted was not authorised by my company and was by nature a breach of our non disclosure policys especially since it involved information relating to a company to which we provide technical services. My apologies if this information added to any anger felt by any member of this forum. I here by With Draw ALL comments made by cyberdyn prior to this message

Posted by evilelmo, 08-22-2004, 01:16 PM
I'll chime in here as yet another dissatisfied customer of Surpasshosting. Their uptime and reliability is horrible. I have a reseller account which I use for several non-critical sites for myself and friends. If I were running anything important, or actually reselling web space to real customers, I'd be going through the roof at this point. My personal experience is that Surpasshosting is unsuitable for anyone who needs reliable web hosting. Yes, it's cheap and the support staff is always courteous and friendly. But enough is enough. I'd say I have an average of 3 days a week where at some point during the day, I personally see my own hosted web pages and forums not load properly due to excessive shared server loading, or some other problems. POP e-mail times out. DNS goes down. The problems go on and on and on. I'll admit I'm a cheap bastard, and rather than switch to another hosting provider that charges more and offers less, I keep hoping the problems with Surpasshosting will go away. After 3 months with them, the same problems are not going away - in fact they're getting worse. When I sent them a support ticket on 8/13, I got back a short e-mail reply saying that if I want to know why they had their "minor downtime" to visit a specific web link - which turned out to be a NBC5 TV website story about the death toll in Punta gorda, FL. Hello???? The sad truth I have since learned was they never properly tested their emergency power systems in the datacenter. I hate to say this, but a competently run business would not have had this particular problem which led to their entire customer-base going down. I could go on... I see my reseller accounts at Surpasshosting are up now, after being down for at least an hour today. My honest advice for anyone considering Surpasshosting - expect lots of downtime. You get what you pay for.

Posted by cyberdyn, 08-22-2004, 09:41 PM
Since the WHT Moderators are currently REFUSTING to remove from this forum the posts made WITHOUT AUTHORISATION using what were effectivly STOLEN LOGIN DETAILS I wish to set the record straight and explain one simple matter My experiance with surpass / HostDime is like the experiance I have had with any other hosting firm. They are as reliable as any of the UK ISP's I have used for hosting, HostDime NOC is in my experiance BETTER than EasySpace in the UK I remember them from a previous job and when things went wrong there I remember the Pain and Suffering undergone by the IT Department when access was needed. HostDime have been very very good to me, They have bent over backwards. I wish to personally thank Luke P, Tony, Josh B, Ryan G and the other members of the team for doing such a good job. I've been bugging them ever since day one with comments and questions yet not ONCE have any of them lost their rag with me. EVERY time I speak to them they have been polite, Friendly and very tolorant of my Inexperiance with Unix. Right down to the current point, THEY CONTACTED ME! When their was a problem with my server. Then at the moment Tony has been re-building my server from scratch because I (the user) fouled it up. That's right USER ERROR i managed to shaft the entire system on our Dedi Server, but HostDime have kindly been sitting down and totally re-building it's OS from scratch. Thanks HostDime. MESSAGE FOR THE MODERATORS: I am dissiapointed that you refuse to remove the posts made by a person who was using a stolen Login! Is it Forum policy to allow people to POSE as other companys.?

Posted by evilelmo, 08-22-2004, 11:49 PM
Is it your policy to share your confidential passwords with others? And for all anyone knows, the most recent cyberdyn message poster is the imposter. I too got a chuckle out of the Surmunity nazi youth comment. There are about a half-dozen seemingly brainwashed cheerleaders there. But if you look at their profiles, you'll see that the most prolific ones actually ARE youth. They're high school students. Whether they're Nazis or not, I couldn't say.

Posted by bigdawg, 08-23-2004, 12:08 PM
This refers to Surpass and Surmunity. We all know the troubles of Surpass and mine date way before Hurricane Charly existed Several Surpass customers have posted about troubles with Surpass only to have the thread closed. All posts were professional Here is a recent closed post of mine in response to another that had issues. I should have added Surpass Rocks at the end and they may have left it open. Hmmm !2 year olds "Let me address the down time issue from my point of view." I started with Surpass back in July this year. I noticed the down time issue early on and I realize their price is "Kibble and Bits" I love cpanel and it does offer much more than my prior hosts. I made the switch and added some subdomains with a domain change for the main account. I have read many posts that say here and elsewhere if you do not like it why do you not find another host. Let me answer that here, it is not quite that simple as I have had two misfortunes trying to put a bandaid on the situation. First off I added back-up servers with another host back in July. This became a problem because my registar reversed the primary servers on me so my site had to re-propagate. This was not Surpass' fault but if there was not any down time I would not have gone through this. I then cancelled the back-up plan as they had a control panel that was so slow that it was non functional in my opinion. Then after last Tuesday I added another host to use as back-up servers however this ended up being short lived also as before it even had a chance to propagate the hosting company had a downtime period. Because of problems with my e-mail{Surpass} and opening up trouble tickets with the new host which I spent 4 hours trying to resolve I cancelled out of that. I just figure if you start out on the right foot you will end up on the right foot. Their premature downtime scared me off after my ordeal here. So yes it has been a huge inconvenience for me!!!! Is it about the money? NO. I would not have gone through credit card transactions if it was. Is a free month worth anything to me ? NO. I am sure that they {Surpass} think this is a good way and they probably do not know what to do, to resolve this. I have said before I would gladly pay triple for what Surpass has to offer however I would not expect any down time like this. All in all price is not the issue because if we were paying alot these problems would have still happened. In closing I would like to add an e-mail from a former host to me about a planned downtime. In the year I was with them this only happed once when they did an upgrade to Solaris and was told a week in advance of the planned downtime in a very professional letter. I will post a link to it or include it here.

Posted by samm, 08-24-2004, 12:05 AM
I agree with you bigdawg; they are too happy about closing threads at Surpass. They even close threads about complaints about closing threads! The excuse that one of the admins gives is "the close thread button is there, so I might as well use it", like there is some expected limit to a discussion. I went and looked at the the thread you mentioned above, and it was closed in the middle of the conversation for no reason. No one was complaing or threatening or anything; the admin just said "I guess this has gone on long enough, so I'll close it" The thread was only 2 pages! I don't feel comfortable posting at Surpass; after seeing how they shout people down, I think if I complain, they will close my account.

Posted by bigdawg, 08-24-2004, 12:41 AM
The excuse that one of the admins gives is "the close thread button is there, so I might as well use it" Quote Samm This one got to me also, I am glad they do not use the same thought process at the "Oval office" with the little red button or we would all be in trouble.

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