
What to do when your web host won't respond?

Posted by Absol, 03-30-2017, 12:56 PM
Hi all. Not sure if this is better suited for the domain subforum, so I apologise if this needs to be moved. I could do with a bit of advice. I've had my domain for over ten years, and for many years it was hosted by a company called RoutHost. One day about two or three years ago, out of the blue, I got an email from a company called Host General asking for payment. I later discovered that RoutHost had disappeared, and Host General was taking over. I stayed with them since they allowed me to keep my old package plan, and everything has been great... Until recently. My space ran out, and their other package deals weren't suitable for my needs. I found Host Gator, and out of curiousity, I decided to see about transferring my domain. That's when I discovered that the administrative email was still reading (along with my own email just above it on WHOIS). I tried to contact Host General on their 24-7 live chat to see if I could change it, but no one was online. So I sent them a message. It's been over a week and still no response. I sent them a second message a couple of days ago (to a different email, I believe), and still nothing. In fact, it's been 3 weeks since my package with them expired, but my site is still online. Their social media accounts haven't been touched in over a year. I haven't asked them to unlock my domain (yet). But can anyone here tell me how to get around the incorrect administrative email (if it's even possible)? Or, if they unlock my domain, will it still be a problem to transfer my domain to another company?

Posted by bear, 03-30-2017, 01:10 PM
It's the registrant email that's the important one; is that one yours?

Posted by rpoarch, 03-30-2017, 01:11 PM
Welcome to WHT I would suggest you transfer your domain name away from HostGator. I personally keep my domain name registration and web hosting separate from each other. If you decide to transfer your domain name, transfer it to someone that you are just going to use for domain name registration (namecheap, godaddy, etc). I would also suggest you get another web host. HostGator is owned by EIG which is known for their horrible support (hence why they aren't answering your emails and such). You should be able to login to HostGators control panel though, and change the settings for the whois on the domain. Good luck to you!

Posted by Absol, 03-30-2017, 01:36 PM
I'm looking at, and according to them, it's my email under the registrant email, yes. Routhost is listed under the admin email. @rpoarch Thank you for the welcome! I will definitely keep in mind what you have said there. Although the company I'm considering moving from is actually called Host General, not Host Gator (I haven't contacted Gator before, just browsed through their packages!)

Posted by rpoarch, 03-30-2017, 02:28 PM
I'm sorry, I misunderstood what you were saying.

Posted by bear, 03-30-2017, 04:12 PM
That's good news, it means you can authorize the transfer, since that's considered the owner of the name. As long as it can be unlocked, you can transfer. If the losing company isn't available or cooperative, you can contact the registrar they use for help. Chances are they can help since it's your details.

Posted by Forward Web, 03-31-2017, 03:18 AM
Your best bet will be to start with the registrar for your domain name. Looking at your whois, are you able to determine which company your domain name is registered with?

Posted by IH-Jake, 03-31-2017, 08:12 AM
The best bet would be to contact the provider from whom you receive the invoices to renew your services. They would be in the best position to help you with this. I am assuming that the domain was also purchased from your previous host, in that case they must probably have been moved on to same parent provider.

Posted by DanaB, 03-31-2017, 09:10 AM
Does your host provide any money back guarantee? How long has it been providing hosting services? For me, I prefer to deal with the hosts that offer Live Chat that is always online or Skype support.

Posted by Absol, 04-06-2017, 02:27 PM
Sorry for the delay! @bear That's good to know. As you can probably gather, I have still heard nothing from them. It's been 3 days shy of a month since my package expired, but my domain is still up and running, so now I'm not even sure if anyone is actively monitoring the domains. @FernGullyGraphics Yes, it seems to be enom. @IH-Jake I will check, but I believe it's Host General themselves that send the invoices. @DanaB About 2 years? Like I said, they sort of appeared from nowhere when my former company left.

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