
Host It Now Network

Posted by rainechief, 08-21-2004, 04:01 AM
Has anyone heard anything about HostItNow? My site has been down for at least 12 hours now, and I'm in contact with others who also can't access their sites hosted there. Their website and voicemail say all servers are functioning normally -- but there's no response at all from Support, e-mail or phone, and their online support is missing in action. Thanks!

Posted by coight, 08-21-2004, 04:09 AM
Obviously if they don't respond you have to think about what will happen the next time something goes wrong. If they have trouble now they will most likely have trouble in the future with communication to their customers. It's probably time to think about a new host if you havent heard from them in 12 hours

Posted by WWiRE, 08-21-2004, 09:45 PM
I am also hosted on Hostitnow and am having the same problem. My site has been down since yesterday morning, about 36 hours now. I'm about to go psycho on them if I ever get a hold of them. I have tried the ticket support, call back thing, emergency email, and their online live support was not available. I also called them up on Friday, but says all reps are busy, so it doesnt seem like they are there. They most likely will not be answering all weekend. I know someone else who uses hostitnow, but his site is up and running fine, but he's on a different server. Once my site gets back up, hopefully Monday or sooner, I will probably be packing up and moving somewhere else because this is ridiculous. I haven't really had any problems with them, but this will probably be the last one I have with them.

Posted by WebWeavers, 08-21-2004, 11:40 PM
What is your domain name? perhaps there is a network problem enroute to their server network and others can see while you can't? It would be odd that your host has not contacted you within that amount of time to inform you there was a problem. Do they offer a support helpdesk? Best Wishes for getting your sites back up asap,

Posted by rainechief, 08-22-2004, 12:38 AM
My domain is -- but I don't think a simple network problem is at issue here. Apparently the Host It Now forum was back up for a little while today (while I was at work). Lots of sites are affected. No one had gotten any response to any help tickets. At this point e-mails are bouncing back because the boxes are full, and the voicemail system isn't taking any more messages. Online support has been OFFline since yesterday. Definitely time to look for other hosting

Posted by WebWeavers, 08-22-2004, 01:03 AM
I also see as not resolving so yes it may be time to do some quality research on a more reliable host. Unfortunately this happens way too often these days with new hosts and companies that oversell their servers with unlimited everything for cheap prices. There is no way to run a reliable hosting company cheaply and those cheap prices usually translate into unreliable and slow performing servers. At least that is how I have seen in during the last 8 years in this business. Best Wishes for a .Net Success!

Posted by WWiRE, 08-22-2004, 01:55 AM
I didn't even know they had forums. I have never seen a link to the forums on their main site anywhere. I want to know what is causing the server to go down and why they don't know about it.

Posted by rainechief, 08-22-2004, 05:04 AM
The Forum link is under the Support tab on the Host It Now homepage. http: // / forum/ (Take out the spaces -- apparently I can't post URL's yet)

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