
oops, hosting down

Posted by AbsolutelyFreeWeb, 07-17-2004, 09:14 PM
oops hope this nothing nasty, but my site down, together with all other sites operated by them www. www. www. all down.. and checked email with dnsreports tool, it says no mx records found error, one should try later... hope this just temporary and my host not really gone.. *scared* especially reading about thehostexpress and all... heh just noticed this: Last edited by AbsolutelyFreeWeb; 07-17-2004 at 09:21 PM.

Posted by 75Host, 07-17-2004, 09:29 PM
Maybe the server you're hosted on is down... Have you tried looking into that? for instance checking whether your host's website is available or if you own a dedicated server try to access it from a remote admin program.

Posted by AbsolutelyFreeWeb, 07-17-2004, 09:31 PM
all their own web sites.. ( I actually gave the addresses above) are down, as well as their ftp site.

Posted by 75Host, 07-17-2004, 09:32 PM
Are you hosted on a hosting company or do you own a dedicated server?

Posted by AbsolutelyFreeWeb, 07-17-2004, 09:36 PM
I hope its just that the server is down.Its a free hosting company, so I shouldnt expect much.. but the server was fast and there was no downtime until today..

Posted by 75Host, 07-17-2004, 09:39 PM
Sometimes it's just better to pay a couple of dollars per month and have a quiet peace of mind, that's what i think.

Posted by AbsolutelyFreeWeb, 07-17-2004, 09:42 PM
I know, and I review free hosts so I know the problems with them. Its just that I registered with them, not for their service, but their domain name, that would give a good ranking on search engines for the kind of site I have. I thought they at least would last even though worried I wouldnt receive much service, and probably, needed to negotiate with them if they started put ads and stuff on the site...

Posted by 75Host, 07-17-2004, 09:43 PM
Oh, i see, good luck then.

Posted by colorteck, 07-17-2004, 09:45 PM
Servers go down as they are mechanical. I would not worry until this becomes more frequent. Most people expect a computer,server to always stay up but remember it is a box with hardware software and a number of things could happen. I am sure they are working on it

Posted by AbsolutelyFreeWeb, 07-17-2004, 09:47 PM
thanks sandee, I needed someone telling me something like that.. beter calm down, go to sleep, and it will all be ok tomorrow

Posted by colorteck, 07-17-2004, 09:51 PM
A simple problem can turn out to take hours to track down and fix the issue. Hope everything works out ok

Posted by AbsolutelyFreeWeb, 07-17-2004, 10:06 PM
yes, their ftp and sign up was down yesterday due to "system upgrade", but then it started going again. so it could be problems in connection with that. but all their sites gone seems kinda big. still maybe not, if all their sites are just on one server.. maybe they are..??? some traffic reports:

Posted by AbsolutelyFreeWeb, 07-18-2004, 02:37 AM
g'morning! no.. I must ask this.. even if it is a server going down. how often does the both name servers go down at the same time??

Posted by TLott, 07-18-2004, 03:03 PM
Depends if the host is unfortunate enough to place both nameservers on the same server (eliminating the built in redundancy of 2 individual nameservers).

Posted by AbsolutelyFreeWeb, 07-18-2004, 03:07 PM
I bid them goodbye today.. Im moving hosting + registering domain. I registered a .tk domain isntead but unfortuantely the free tk domains are not good enough. maybe they will be someday.. so its gonna change again

Posted by BalticSea, 07-18-2004, 08:12 PM
Good luck with your new hosts Yeah, free hosts always keep you busy

Posted by AbsolutelyFreeWeb, 07-19-2004, 02:51 AM
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH sorry I just had to holler out my frustration!!! just look at what my site is now, they have hijacked it put a shopping site on it! and why shouldnt they, its a site in search engine already with links to it.. "#%Q"#¤%W#R absolutely . freeweb-hosting. com no apologies nothing. I would write a notice to my customers not put a shopping site on it if I wanted to kep them...

Posted by BalticSea, 07-19-2004, 04:26 AM
Just tested your website and I get the original "Absolutely Free Web Hosting" site displayed, hosted with FR&T

Posted by AbsolutelyFreeWeb, 07-19-2004, 04:30 AM
yes, the old one, the hijacked one is the one with the url I gave above, but I didn't link to it directly, don't want to give them more links. I have changed my domain yet another time, I will update my signature shortly

Posted by BalticSea, 07-19-2004, 05:04 AM
I've tested it with the .tk domain

Posted by AbsolutelyFreeWeb, 07-19-2004, 05:07 AM
ok first, it was on the host then I made a .tk, but then found out their forwarding doesnt support masking. The thrid time I did it right. A new .org domain is registered and it doesn't use forwarding but is hosted. The new address is but I am making a lot of changes right now. may not look good.

Posted by BalticSea, 07-19-2004, 05:12 AM
Thanx for the info, it got rather confusing Nice project you've started

Posted by AbsolutelyFreeWeb, 07-21-2004, 04:56 AM
thank you BalticSea

Posted by Paul O'Toole, 08-19-2004, 04:32 AM

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