
Posted by assoz, 08-09-2004, 04:32 AM and are down?

Posted by assoz, 08-09-2004, 04:35 AM
I found this news on the main page of (

Posted by Fair Dinkum, 08-17-2004, 09:40 PM
I suggest people be sure who they are paying for what. I looked for a PriorityColo phone number to try to clear that up, but they do not list one. Some accounts at communehost are *NOT* in control of prioritycolo, and they will not be able to retrive your data. This is in regards to This is in a different datacenter than prioritycolo. The outstanding balance owed to the datacenter has been paid, and sbhost currently has that data. You will need to contact sbhost " " to arrange data recovery or hosting. I hope this clears this up a little. Regards, Glenn Last edited by Fair Dinkum; 08-17-2004 at 09:44 PM.

Posted by porcupine, 08-18-2004, 03:03 AM
The planet let you pay someone elses balance and pick up their server/data? Thats somewhat surprising (yes, thats making an assumption granted). You are absolutly right though, Viperhost hosted 4 of their 5 servers with us, was not one of them. We've gone as far as we reasonably can to convey the fact that while we will honor the pricing, packages, and pre-paid terms for the customers on that server if they wish it; We have no control over the given server (or backups of it for that matter), and are thus not in a position to provide access to their content on the given server. You won't find a telephone number listed on the website, because we only provide telephone based support to select customers at this time (eg. colocation customers), everyone else uses our emergency-pager system .

Posted by Fair Dinkum, 08-18-2004, 09:57 AM
Just be be clear: thePlanet did not let somebody pay the bill and take control of the server. There was a conference call with Jonathan Tittle, the bill was paid, and he (the customer of servermatrix) gave control. thePlanet would not have given us access, nor whould they ever. Jonathan gave that. As to what you guys are doing, I agree. You have done as much as is possible, and done a good thing. I am sure lots of people did not lose data due to your efforts. I saw the emergency pager on your site, but did not want to use that, as it is not an "emergency" in that sense. Cheers! Glenn

Posted by porcupine, 08-18-2004, 10:11 AM
Ahh fair enough Glenn, When I first saw that (Since Jonathan has been quite hard to contact as I'm sure you found out), I figured they let someone else just pay the bill (which has been a hot-topic on WHT awhile back where it happened to other providers [several years ago], which really shocked me). I'm glad to see that was indeed not the case, because that would have been quite troubling (for the industry in general). Notably for anyone whose left, we've hosted the Viperhost servers out of pocket for nearly 2 months now, and will be shutting down the remainder tonight. If you don't already have your content (you've had more then plenty of time to get it), I'd suggest contacting us asap to get it, or you *will* miss out (as they will be formatted tonight). Good luck with the communehost guys Glenn, perhaps someday the customers will know what a PITA we've all gone through to make their lives a little bit easier .

Posted by Fair Dinkum, 08-18-2004, 06:25 PM
True. I remember the fiascos about people getting data recently. Yikes. Anyhow, thanks for the "good luck" part, same to you. As you know, some peple will never realize what it takes to make these sort of things work out. It takes time and energy for sure, but is worth it when you see people end up in a better and more stable place. The CommuneHost server at SM will be cut off at the end of the month, so hopefully folks that need their data do request it before then. Otherwise, it is completely out of our hands. Glenn

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