
OdeonWeb gone again ?

Posted by monaghan, 06-07-2004, 12:55 PM
Have they gone again ? Their MSN is set to "Away", the doesn't respond to me, I can't gain access via WHM or Cpanel :-( I don't have anything critical on this account as I use it for testing only. It's just a pain as I want to test a script today.

Posted by bert_raccoon, 06-07-2004, 10:17 PM
I just moved my websites over to odeon web and I have to to say I regret not reading the reviews. I've had nothing but problems since I moved to odeon web. The server is always down, the emails never work. The support is never around. Three tips for everyone. 1. Cheaper is not always better. Cheaper is in fact bad. 2. Search for reviews. Read them first before signing up. 3. Never pay in advance for anything. If someone asked you to pay in advance they have problems with trusing their own service. I hope stefan shows up sometime soon, because I would like to ask for my money back. I can't even send him email because my email doesn't work. His own site is even down when I last visited it.

Posted by ldcdc, 06-07-2004, 10:27 PM
Hi bert_racoon! Sorry to hear about your problems. I fully agree! Most likely he will answer in this thread - sooner or later. That means the problem might be quite serious. Also, you could get a free email account to be able to communicate (as soon as his website gets back online). Good luck!

Posted by iblive, 06-07-2004, 10:31 PM
Sorry to hear about your troubles. How long have you been with them?

Posted by bert_raccoon, 06-07-2004, 10:38 PM
Almost a month. Nothing but problems after the first week.

Posted by iblive, 06-07-2004, 10:45 PM
If I may ask, what was it about the company that made you decide to go with them? Reason I'm asking is to see what is involved in people's decisions when going with a company that they then have problems with.

Posted by CrazyTech, 06-07-2004, 11:04 PM
.... Taken from an Odeon Web post.... Well, there is your reason right there. Who can say that you blame the guy for looking for a good price? However, as you've learned, you've got to do your research with these companies. Hopefully you will get your refund but with proper research this might have been avoided. I am sorry to hear of your problems though. I just wonder how many more problems there are going to be with this company. I'm not one to attack the other hosts out there, but I've seen quite a few issues with this company on this board. Speaks for itself doesn't it?

Posted by bert_raccoon, 06-07-2004, 11:22 PM
First the price was good for the bandwidth I was looking for. I asked stefan how many customers he had he said over 2000 customers. I asked him how long he's been in business he said 7 years. I also needed something for a quick fix while I was shopping for a dedicated server. It just all turned out badly. His own website is down for heaven sakes. This has been going on for almost a month now.

Posted by Douglas, 06-08-2004, 12:00 AM
Oh lordy... I can almost guarantee he's not been in business that long. I have consistently warned people time and time again about the business and fundamental flaws of hosts such as Stefan. Every negative post results in him becoming unglued, and it's quite obvious that this individual has NO concept of how to effectively run a business. Using what Denver quoted above, and figuring an average server at EV1Servers (yes, that's where they're at) has 1000 gigs, you could only put on about 12 customers per server without overselling it. 12 x $13 comes out to $156 per month. Even at the bottom line server, that's only about $45 profit every month. I'm sorry, but no real web host would be in this business if they were only making $45 profit a month, per server. Realistically, you should be making between $300 - $700 or more in profit, after server expenses per month. :ighs:: Despite all the warnings we all give here about hosts like this, people STILL continue to pick hosts like OdeonWeb. By the way, I fully expect Stefan to come in here and basically tell me to butt out, that's just how graceful and in touch with himself/his "business" he is. Simply sad. Good luck getting a refund, bert.

Posted by CrazyTech, 06-08-2004, 02:07 AM
Odeon has not been around seven years ( I would confirm that via his website, but it's down at the moment - some 3 hours from when you made your post. I'm awaiting his defense on this one, but once again it looks like Odeon Web is up to no good.

Posted by Odeonweb, 06-08-2004, 04:21 AM
No we're not gone again!! This morning server had really high server load and due to server problem i told ev1servers to fix it and 30 mins. later we found out that they unplugged our server!!. When i asked why they told me that there were 2 rootkits running and it can be dangerous so they end up unplgging the server. After all that i asked them to replug the server so we can se who tried to run them rootkits but guess what they told us? They wouldnt replug our server back and the only thing we can do is that we have to order restore and they will restore our server!!! Anyways i couldnt waste anymore time so i ordered restore service and it took them 12 hours to restore then they gave us the old hdd as slave then it took our admin to copy all the old data like an hour and reboot the server and guess what? ev1servers having a network problem. ----------------- For those of you having connectivity issues ot your server. One of our backbone provides is having routing issues. If your traceroutes are stoping in the verio network, you are affected. ----------------- We checked for every single rootkit and nothing was in there we dont know how they came up with this rootkits but as soon as we access the server we will investigate it. All we can do is wait, so far they said the network problem should be fine in couple hours. It has nothing to do with Odeon Web and all the convo. and TTs are saved by us for any information we can provide the logs. Sorry about the outages again.. Odeon Web

Posted by Odeonweb, 06-08-2004, 04:25 AM
when did i ever say 7 years? i've posted over 100 times that it's been since 2001 ?? also i'd like to know what's your website that you're hosting with us. I haven't got any complaints from anyone lately.. I'd like to know who you are if you dont mind.

Posted by Odeonweb, 06-08-2004, 04:29 AM
for the outage read my post

Posted by guppy, 06-08-2004, 04:32 AM
Site still down...

Posted by monaghan, 06-08-2004, 04:36 AM
Any idea when it will be running again ?

Posted by Odeonweb, 06-08-2004, 04:42 AM
i know because we still cannot access to our server!! which is putting me in a lot of stress.

Posted by inteltechs, 06-08-2004, 04:47 AM
another EV1 story...I hope you get it sorted out as soon as possible...

Posted by Odeonweb, 06-08-2004, 05:05 AM
Oh i will go thru every single ticket between me and ev1 and show everybody WHY WE ARE DOWN ...

Posted by Hart_House247, 06-08-2004, 06:07 AM
Hi stefan, Can you turn on your yahoo messenger?

Posted by Odeonweb, 06-08-2004, 06:52 AM
6/8/04 5:21:58 AM DataCenter we apologise for the delay, and the lack of communication. as of right now, the server is requesting a manual fsck. we will begin the fsck asap to get your server online Thank you, Datacenter Support they've been trying to bring our server back up hopefully it'll be soon...

Posted by TheBerryZone, 06-08-2004, 08:45 AM
My site is still down, about 24 hours now. It's getting kind of crazy. Until now everything was working pretty well for me, a few outages here and there, but what can you expect for being so cheap. What I didn't expect was a full day of downtime. On messenger yesterday he said he was upgrading servers, here he says server problems, so I don't know what the deal is. I don't mind getting what I pay for, I just would prefer better communication and responses to e-mails...For instance I tried to register a friend fo mine for hosting through them, however the account info was never sent, so I e-mailed telling him not to bother as it's already been several days, but the e-mail bounced. I think I may have entered mastercard as the type instead of visa on the registration, thus perhaps making the card declined, thus no account created, however none of this info has ever been passed along, so I'm in limbo right now. All in all though, I'm not gonna complain too much, as I'm paying next to nothing for the service, so I can deal with some outages. Until I find something else relativley cheap with stable service I'll stick around.

Posted by Odeonweb, 06-08-2004, 04:08 PM
Server is up, the whole story is we were upgrading the server and server went down because the server was really crappy then we told ev1 and they unplugged our server and said that we had to restore for no reason, it took them 12 hours to restore it and after restore once we moved all the data to the new hdd their network was gone and our server was unreachable... Finally we got it back

Posted by TheBerryZone, 06-08-2004, 06:23 PM
Yep, everything is back up as he said! Thanks for the info.

Posted by Odeonweb, 06-09-2004, 04:16 AM
no problem, sorry about the problems we had.

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