
Delimiter - Server down for 4 days

Posted by sparau, 02-05-2017, 06:52 PM
Hello, Advice as to where to go with this. Our stupid bank called the other day claiming our credit card had been used fraudulently and reversed the payment to Delimiter for our server. Delimiter terminated the service without communication. I contacted billing initially, then after realising it was the middle of the night requested help from server support. I paid the chargeback fee and requested they make a new invoice, support basically said it was a billing and policy issue, wait for 09:30 when they start work. The billing person seems to not have read the ticket and responded: Since then support do not answer, any ticket I create with them just gets migrated into a billing ticket that no-one is looking at. I sent my linked in details, our business details etc. to try and show that we are not scammers. So 4 days our business has now been completely offline. The really crappy thing is that being a start up and stupid busy I hadn't even made a good disaster recovery plan, I don't even have a backup of our mail server. Any thoughts as to how to get them to treat us like real people? Even a request to get access to a backup is ignored and moved into the latest billing ticket. Regards Shane

Posted by MrTony, 02-05-2017, 07:36 PM
Hi @sparau, this is very complicated indeed, try to give them a call on phone, or social networks or even if they use WHT, mentioning their nickname/account name so they could see it here, maybe this way they would get notified in a way they have to care for it, if nothing works you can still refund your payments again and if it worth the pricing you can always sue the company (that is as I said, if it worth the pricing you'll pay for this as well). Good luck on this.

Posted by NortheBridge, 02-06-2017, 06:59 AM
I've seen them post on WHT so they do have an account here. I believe it's @Delimiter (I guess we'll see). It's unfortunate indeed when it's an honest mistake which does happen. Chase and Citi have both flagged regular charges that occur monthly as fraudulent before even after years of working with the company; it's usually a quick resolution - keep everyone informed via teleconference. RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland) is really good about not blocking transactions if you let them know ahead of time to expect an increase in the transaction to a service provider. Actually, out of all the banks RBS and U.S. Trust/Merrill Lynch/Bank of America are by far the best to work with.

Posted by sparau, 02-06-2017, 10:03 AM
Thank you for the replies. Apparently as a new member I can't visit "Delimiter Sales" user to send a message. I can't find a phone number to call. 5 days now, well into Monday business hours. Updated ticket for what it is worth.

Posted by sparau, 02-06-2017, 11:22 AM
Can anybody please help me understand this reply? I am the cardholder. As a business we can use other cards or payment methods, I fail to see the connection between a chargeback and our business? What do you think this means? I don't understand, do they think we are Nigerian scammers in some sort of movie. Confused Shane

Posted by sparau, 02-06-2017, 11:25 AM
All I asked for was for them to re-create the invoice and re-instate the server.

Posted by sparau, 02-06-2017, 11:31 AM
Wow, ticket closed, can't be re-opened. Gobsmacked, they just shut down our business without notification. Should I post the full correspondence here for all to see the begging, the ignoring, the reasoned arguments, the ignoring... etc.

Posted by SenseiSteve, 02-06-2017, 11:36 AM
I think if we saw the full correspondence, it might clear up any questions many of the members here may have, but that's entirely up to you. I feel your frustration.

Posted by NortheBridge, 02-06-2017, 12:47 PM
I agree with @SenseiSteve; at this point your best recourse is to post your entire correspondence with them here and many of the members here will likely chime in. I do hope you have a snapshot backup of your content - I would look for a new provider as well. Just reading the statement posted by their billing department saying they got notified February 2, 2017 (the post date is February 3, 2016 and they used the term "yesterday") that the chargeback was initiated at presumably the bank's leisure and they telling you it occurred in January (which would have been 2 days prior) just makes me cringe if in fact the full story (take screenshots) is true. I don't know about most here but POs and regular credit or debit transactions of operational nature that occur on a monthly basis aren't really monitored with the utmost scrutiny so every once in a while when we get a call from Adobe or Microsoft Enterprise Services saying "transaction X" didn't go through our global operations department usually ends up a little off guard but quickly rectifies it and remits payment. It's happened with SoftLayer once when we switched the bank we use to pay them. Even CloudLinux. Some companies may be "oversensitive" to fraud because they get high volumes of fraud without any method of dealing with it which could be the case here but so far all we've seen is your willingness to remit payment, the reason for why the payment was rejected by the bank, and one response from an @Delimiter support rep. Posting the full story would go a very long way (the more screenshots the better!). Furthering that, I would look for a new service provider. They appear to have no interest in furthering any review of circumstance.

Posted by sparau, 02-06-2017, 05:57 PM
Here is the first communication with support, newest post first: Internal Support I have no idea, I have never seen a chargeback take place then the customer contact us saying its in error. Usually a chargeback takes place due a stolen card and the person disputes it says they never authorised the transaction. If the chargeback is disputed as a fraudulent transaction then it will be processed as a straight termination of service. I am sorry to fob you off but I don't have access to the dispute information or your account. It just shows a chargeback marker and refer to billing. Brian T -- - Twitter - Facebook - Latest status/maintenance 03/02/2017 01:40 Shane adsfasd Hi Brian, Sorry to bug you but can I at least confirm that your next "automatic policy" isn't to whack the data off the hard drive and re-instate a blank server? Will it even be there in the morning? Regards Shane 03/02/2017 01:28 Rate my responseInternal Support Irrespective of how or what caused the chargeback, nothing is going to happen until billing review the situation tomorrow. This is not a support issue, this is billing and policy issue. As things stand, we've not been paid for service as the money has been charged back. Please wait to speak to billing in the morning. Brian T -- - Twitter - Facebook - Latest status/maintenance 03/02/2017 01:21 Shane asasdf Hi Brian, Chargeback paid, I don't have an invoice to pay for the service. Are you saying that it is company policy to terminate services without any emails or notification? Since that is what has occurred. We (not unusually) are trying to run a business using your services. Are you saying "bad luck your business is offline until someone comes into the office"? Not trying to sound annoyed, I am very annoyed with our bank, however you should have systems in place to notify people before cancelling services, this could have been completely avoided with 1 email ! Regards Shane 03/02/2017 01:09 Rate my responseInternal Support There is a chargeback on your account, the chargeback will need to be closed, all associated fees paid and the marker removed off your account. Billing work 09:30-17:30 GMT+0 They'll follow up on your billing ticket with you then. Brian T -- - Twitter - Facebook - Latest status/maintenance 03/02/2017 01:07 Shane asdfas Hello, I have created a billing request as there has been some confusion with our stupid bank regarding payment of our invoice. I have asked them to raise an invoice as we never intended for this service to be unpaid. However, I guess that the billing department isn't around at midnight can I ask you to please re-instate this server. I received no notiification about the charge reversal or this service going down. I am hoping that since support is usually better manned than accounts that you can help so our business isn't offline for the next 8 hours. Regards Shane

Posted by sparau, 02-06-2017, 06:05 PM
This text was mostly to billing with occasional support tickets being merged into it by Delimiter. i.e. since there was a support person and billing was unmanned I create a couple of tickets to support, they would just merge them into the billing ticket without response. Subject Why won't you restore my server? (Merged) All tickets Reply: Submit Add files... (Allowed File Extension: .jpg, .gif, .pdf) 04/02/2017 12:20 Shane asdfasdf Hello, If it helps to display that we are real people and not some scam, here is our business details. I can get the other partner to contact you if it would help? Business Name Summary Free business name information that is available to the public. Business name: asdfasd Status: Registered Registration date: 11/04/2016 Renewal date: 11/04/2017 Cancelled date: Cancellation under review: Address for service of documents: asdfasdf Principal place of business: asdfasdf Holder(s) details: Holder Name: asdfasdf Holder Type: Partnership ABN:adsfasdf Found at: My linked in profile: Please help. Shane 04/02/2017 11:23 Shane adsfasd Please re-create an invoice for me to pay and re-instate this server. 03/02/2017 23:58 Shane Parkinson btw - I am the owner of the credit card but have others. I don't care how payment could be received, all this time our server is down we will be getting an SEO hit with our ranking dropping. It is running our email server. I has another site and company service integrating with it. I have turned off google adwords but please, this is killing our business. Shane 03/02/2017 23:52 Shane adsfasd Hello, We have an issue here with your account staff not reading the ticket and not restoring this server. Also an issue where we are on the other side of the world so a phone call is difficult. Please review this situation and get it back online, please, please, please. I am a partner of an online service providing data migration for ecommerce systems. The incorrectly created charge back from our bank is paid, another invoice has not been created. This server needs to be back online. Very frustrated Shane 03/02/2017 23:47 Shane adsfasdf Hello, Do you require payment from a different credit card? Did you look or notice that the same card had been paying happily for the service for a year. This is my business you have taken offline and I am the owner of the card. Please lookup ins to check this is a real and legitimate online service business you have completely taken offline. Please re-create another invoice and re-instate this server ASAP. Shane 03/02/2017 23:41 Shane asdfasd Hello, From a previous ticket I mentioned to you that our bank had reported to us that fraudulent activities had taken place with our credit card. They were incorrect, why don't you want to create a new invoice so I can pay and restore this server? There have been no issues over the past year with billing? I paid the chargeback fee? What is the issue? Regards Shane Last edited by sparau; 02-06-2017 at 06:12 PM.

Posted by sparau, 02-06-2017, 06:10 PM
Now they have closed my account, well delimiter if you are trying to stop me posting your absolutely crap support, too late I emailed them to myself. Here is the last request, they responded with the quote from my earlier post: 06/02/2017 13:51 Shane asdasd Hello, Please answer with what is going on regarding our service. Our SEO will be dropping, I have Adwords turned off so actively turning away possible business for 5 days now. Regards Shane 04/02/2017 12:54 Shane adfasd Hello, I was wondering if it was possible, paid or not to get access to a backup of our server? Regards Shane

Posted by WII-Aaron, 02-06-2017, 06:22 PM
I've been doing this for 19 years now and I can count the number of chargebacks that were unintentional on two hands. It's so rare that I can understand a company not having a policy in place to deal with it. If it was truly a mistake then I would explain to them what happened so they have confidence you're not just scamming them. Most of the time we see an unintentional chargeback it was initiated by a spouse who saw the charge, didn't know what it was and jumped right to chargeback without talking to his/her significant other. Keep the lines of communication open and if they won't deal with you then move on.

Posted by sparau, 02-06-2017, 06:29 PM
Well they canceled my login to their control panel so I guess it's time for a new server I have no issue with them terminating the service, I understand acting quickly there to stop abuse. Except that they could have looked that the service was 1 year old and no abuse was or had been occurring. I just don't understand their response after that.

Posted by sparau, 02-06-2017, 06:33 PM
Surely the M.O. of someone stealing a credit card and creating a server is that it won't be around for long and you spam emails from it until it is terminated. Not: Have a server for a year, do no spamming then spend days begging for the server to be turned back on. Surely spammers just move on?

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