
Time to switch providers?

Posted by Heyes, 02-01-2017, 03:31 AM
For years I've had a small server with 1&1. (Athlon 64 x2-core/2300 Mhz, 2gb memory, 500gb hd, unlimited traffic, 100 Mbps port, located in Germany.) Hosting several low-ish traffic sites, the relatively low-and-ageing spec hasn't been a problem. It's usually been reliable, and being lazy, in costing about $45 monthly it's been easier to just leave it as-is rather than look elsewhere for better spec/value deals... until recently, I'd not seen (because I hadn't really been looking) anything significantly less-expensive from seemingly-reliable providers. Recently, my business activity has changed and I'll need to get something larger for a main project... for which are my current choice (because their US/Europe locations, 1Gbit port and optional unmetered traffic seems appropriate for a radio-streaming project). I don't want to move the existing sites (which are increasingly unimportant and have reducing traffic) onto such a server, and hence in downgrading am interested by some low-price offers I've recently seen. I could probably switch to shared hosting, but having seen Kimsufi and similar offers I'm wondering if they're worthwhile. And VPS is another option. But, being non-tech, I don't know enough to be able to assess. That 'normal' dedicated is usually $80+ month, what will I be getting for typically just $7-32?

Posted by net, 02-01-2017, 07:18 AM
Well, you have mentioned that your business has changed and you need something larger for your new project? What traffic do you expect for this new project? This will help you decide if you are fine with shared hosting or you need bigger....

Posted by Heyes, 02-01-2017, 07:42 AM
Thanks. The new project definitely requires larger - begin with 1gbit port and expand to 10, with eventual bandwidth up to 3pb. That requirement is relatively easy to sort. It's the low-traffic stuff which is my question here.

Posted by SSDBlaze, 02-01-2017, 01:45 PM
If you think you will use 100TB, go for Many higher end providers that sell 100TB bandwidth are quite expensive compared to However, many providers can provide 10TB/20TB at a reasonable price if thats all you need.

Posted by SenseiSteve, 02-01-2017, 02:18 PM
Two different animals when you're talking about low-traffic stuff versus high traffic. For low traffic, I am somewhat confused. You say you're low tech, so I'm curious if you're managing your existing server.

Posted by WII-Aaron, 02-01-2017, 03:03 PM
If the box is working out for you then why switch? If you really can't stand to pay the $45 any more, and they sites are that small and unimportant, check into a lower cost dedicated or a VPS. As for the larger stuff, if you need locations in both the EU and the US then make sure you find a provider that can put you in both. You might also want to check out something like Amazon or Azure to hit multiple locations.

Posted by Heyes, 02-02-2017, 02:37 AM
Thanks. My original post is less than clear, in mentioning two differing requirements... for one of which I need 100tb and more, although that's not my main question here - which is about the low-budget stuff for the other requirement.

Posted by Heyes, 02-02-2017, 02:40 AM
Thanks. As mentioned in another reply, my original post is less than clear, in mentioning two differing requirements... for one of which I need 100tb and more, although that's not my main question here - which is about the low-budget stuff for the other requirement. No, I'm not managing the existing - that's a managed service. I'd previously had a root VPS, so am happy to get a bare server.

Posted by Heyes, 02-02-2017, 02:46 AM
Thanks. The switch is, as mentioned, because my activity has changed and in using a larger service for the main project the leftover sites don't merit maintaining the current spend and can be handled by shared or VPS. But, having recently become aware of 'approx $10' low-level dedi, I'm curious as to whether they're worthwhile (as an alternative to shared/vps) - hence my post. (And for the larger requirement, I think we've had contact through a different thread. Thanks. )

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