
Newbie: Does cloud feels exactly like dedicated server when i use it?

Posted by melwong, 01-04-2011, 10:36 AM
Can cloud let me run cronjobs? Does cloud comes with cpanel, ssh? Can i still run all linux commands? Do I need RAID for cloud? In server administration/software developer terms, what is the diff with cloud and dedicated server? can i host multiple PHP/MySQL apps in one cloud? Can I host NS in cloud?

Posted by eming, 01-04-2011, 10:40 AM
It all depends on what cloud host you buy from really. But in most cases, yes, you are able deploy any services on a cloud server, that you would be able to on a dedicated server. Typically the virtual aspect of a cloud server is fully transparent. D

Posted by Layer3, 01-04-2011, 12:33 PM
You can do just about everything you are asking here on a cloud server. Most of your reliable cloud providers will launch your cloud instance from a RAID protected SAN of some sort (typically RAID 10). You can host multiple apps, websites, dns servers, etc on a wide variety of cloud platforms.

Posted by melwong, 01-04-2011, 08:29 PM
I'm using 1 web and 1 db server (each on Xeon, 4GB RAM). So if I'd moved to cloud, do i still need 2 instances? Do i get 4GB RAM or 8GB RAM for each instance?

Posted by arisythila, 01-05-2011, 12:26 AM
Depends. I've noticed that we have an easier time "tuning" an SQL server without Apache running on it. and same with Apache without SQL running on it.If your running like that currently probably better to stay that way. Thanks, EDIT: on a seperate note, you shouldn't notice the different between a dedicated server, and cloud. They should be completely transparent.

Posted by melwong, 01-05-2011, 12:59 AM
Hi aris, so you're saying i should have 2 instances of cloud, each with 4GB?

Posted by samcrow, 01-06-2011, 06:35 PM
Usually, yes it does. But like everything, it all depends on the setup!

Posted by dotHostel, 01-06-2011, 07:00 PM
VPSs and dedicated servers are very different things unless you just need a Barbie's computer. Surely there are VPSs running on hardware with great specs and with much better performance than cheap dedicated servers but very few providers sustain this performance for long time as many only survive overselling everything. Your disk space shrinks, your "guaranteed" Xen memory disappears, I/O is slower than a flash drive, and so on. However the thing really bugs me is node reboot. There are some providers that love reboot their servers. Others are addicted to extended outages. And there is a group that thinks Twitter is the proper way to communicate server and network issues. As people say, some VPSs are glorified shared hosting. Bad shared hosting. If you are serious about building your Internet presence, go with a dedicated server hosted at a reputable company. Last edited by dotHostel; 01-06-2011 at 07:10 PM.

Posted by JasonD10, 01-06-2011, 07:24 PM
While in shared hosting overselling makes great sense and is easy to do, Cloud Servers are not normally oversold as very few customers are on a server in comparison, sometimes just 1. We don't oversell Cloud Servers and I know quite a few providers for a fact who do not either. Overselling (on a technical level, memory ballooning xen) is unstable anyways. You seem to have a lot of opinions about the subject and it sounds like you've had some bad hosting experiences. That is a shame and I hope you are able to open your mind again in the future to try better providers but please don't let those experiences ruin your image of the technology. 2011 is going to be a year of Cloud. SMB's and the Government are majorly adopting it now. Actually, ALL Government agencies will be working toward moving to the Cloud within the next year and a half (see the IT Reform Plan, Cloud First policy). Unfortunately there are poor providers in every industry of every technology in the world, Cloud is no different. As a host of 13 years who has done a lot of Dedicated server environments in the past and present, Cloud is providing huge benefits for all sorts of customers. We don't have IO issues, we don't reboot host node's more often than is absolutely necessary (2-3x/year), and disk space surely doesn't shrink.. but it does grow.

Posted by dotHostel, 01-06-2011, 10:11 PM
You quoted my post but did you read it? What is the difference between your above comment and mine? I don't think you are arguing the majority is not overselling. And is not a fact many providers are ballooning xen? BTW too bad you reboot your servers 2-3x/year. I'm used to years without reboots. And I decide when do it not the provider. Last edited by dotHostel; 01-06-2011 at 10:18 PM.

Posted by JasonD10, 01-06-2011, 10:22 PM
Sure I read it, but I know where you were going with it. There's no point in arguing but it's a sign of negligence if you go years without rebooting a production server environment.. but if you still want to do that you can in Cloud, it's called a Private Cloud. It's all yours and you don't ever have to reboot anything if you don't want to. But in a standard Cloud environment the provider manages it and yes, we do perform routine maintenance, upgrades, security enhancements, and hardware upgrades among other things and do reboot them periodically.

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