
Need Advice: Moving from Shared Hosting to Cloud Hosting

Posted by InternetKev, 12-20-2010, 12:02 AM
We're currently hosting two Moodle v2 sites and two CS-Cart v2 websites in a shared environment. We would like to dramatically increase each site's performance and are strongly considering managed Cloud Hosting as an alternative to managed VPS. 1 - 2 GB of RAM seems like a good startApprox 50 - 100 GB Storage (flexible)Approx 300 - 600 GB Data Transfer (flexible)Linux / Apache / MySQL / PHPDNSEmailcPanel or HSPHERE (flexible)Real cloud hostingReliable supportManaged vs. unmanaged Currently we're considering: CartikaCloudCloudWebSoftlayerRackspace Cloud We'd like to decide within a few days, so any advice would be most appreciated.

Posted by IDediServer Kevin, 12-20-2010, 12:19 AM
In reality typically a cloud solution is similar to that of a VPS as it is typically a virtualized instance but with a cloud setup the storage is setup differently and a few other things 'typically'... If you are expecting performance I would suggest doing some research at

Posted by UNIXy, 12-20-2010, 12:20 AM
The cloud isn't going to magically contribute to an increase of your web sites' performance. The cloud is shared so you're only going to get a fair share of resources. So set your expectations accordingly. If I were you, I'd focus on identifying the bottlenecks of your applications. Then address the flaws one by one. Otherwise, you're just wasting time and energy. Regards Joe / UNIXY

Posted by InternetKev, 12-20-2010, 01:37 AM
Joe, I'm not looking for magic, I'm looking for something better than shared.

Posted by astutiumRob, 12-20-2010, 01:50 AM
The differences between the two are largely just marketing and hype. If you're having issues with performance on a shared patform, then you need either a better shared-provider, or a dedicated server. Going "cloud" will be a sideways step at best, and a downgrade most likely.

Posted by advancedhosted, 12-20-2010, 02:07 AM
If i were you I would stay on shared hosting. Cloud hosting is still new so your going to experience the learning bumps.

Posted by Jeff Bee, 12-20-2010, 02:17 AM
Yes, cloud hosting and a VPS environment with RAID10 is essentially the same thing, minus some creative marketing. They're both able to protect you in the event that a hard drive fails. If you're seriously interested in cloud hosting, why not try I've never used them, but they have the ability to scale both up and down depending on your server load. talks about their scalability. As I said, I've never used them, so you'd have to check out some reviews of them on here, but their idea sounds interesting at any rate. They also have unmanaged and managed services. I'm not sure what your budget is either.. that would help with recommendations.

Posted by InternetKev, 12-20-2010, 01:00 PM
Jeff, our budget is around $200 / month

Posted by Jeff Bee, 12-20-2010, 01:11 PM
Dedicated CPU 3.6GHz RAM 2256MB Storage 60GB Bandwidth 1500GB Monthly Price $90 $15 per node Is the most common plan at apparently. Have you looked into them to see if they could be possible solution for your needs?

Posted by InternetKev, 12-20-2010, 01:28 PM
I'll check out too. Their VPS/Cloud options look good.

Posted by UNIXy, 12-20-2010, 01:32 PM
Understood. I think the first step for you is to get out of the shared environment. One would need root access to the node to be able to identify the bottleneck, which isn't possible on a shared server. Anyway, you'll be just fine on a well managed VPS. Regards Joe / UNIXY

Posted by cartika-andrew, 12-20-2010, 11:25 PM
wow - some real "interesting" comments in this thread... To the original poster, I am not going to make a specific recommendation on providers, etc.. however, there may be some validity to some of the comments in this thread - if you can filter out the flagrantly slanted comments. Based on your requirements for disk and bandwidth, I highly doubt you would find ANY provider offering GOOD shared hosting with packages like that - as simply, it is impossible to deliver those kinds of resources reliably on typical sub $10-$20 shared hosting. You may be able to get a real premium shared hosting account - lets say in the $50-$150/month - but, these are harder to find these days, as the movement really is (And rightfully so) towards virtualization and isolation more so then "less populated" shared servers - as why bother doing this in shared, when you can get your own OS install, and real isolation and dedicated resources for example.. SOOO... I think you are in the right path (ie looking at virtualization). The Cloud can indeed be an issue sometimes with very very heavy IO typically found in very large DB installs. What traditionally would be done is move from shared hosting to a VPS or Cloud - and then, when the site or services continue to grow, you can cluster off your roles onto the architecture which makes the most sense for those services (ie web service on the cloud, DB service on a local storage VPS model). This will still be less expensive then a managed dedicated server, and has given you a nice, organic growth path to such a solution, gives you the right architecture for the right job and frankly, will out perform your typical mid grade dedicated server while being significantly more affordable and flexible. Hope this helps...

Posted by jason222, 12-21-2010, 01:19 AM
I'm hosting my form on a vps at HDWEBPROVIDER. No problems and the site is running almost a year now.

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