
Looking for cloud host

Posted by o4tuna, 10-05-2010, 10:43 AM
Hi, I looking for a could host and need mysql and php. I've never managed a server. I have had a number of little do nothing site, but I'm going to try to host a few sites to support a political event that will occur in several cities on Oct 30. These sites will have spikes of hit and then probably drop down to near nothing, when a site is mentioned on local media. Basically, I need a cloud for an idiot. Any suggestions?

Posted by Winky, 10-05-2010, 04:17 PM
Have you checked the cloud offers section? Most cloud providers here (if not all) can provide mysql and php. Do you plan on keeping the site up even after the spike, or are you going to remove it afterwards?

Posted by cPextream, 10-05-2010, 05:08 PM
The Cloud offers section would be best to go with. However, I've tried but with one VPS and they seemed pretty stable and expandable as well.

Posted by devonblzx, 10-07-2010, 10:59 AM
You best bet is to look for a host who offers server management. Are you familiar with Cpanel or DirectAdmin?

Posted by sysadm2, 10-08-2010, 04:23 AM
Yeah, you can go for a dedicated server, with good configuration and that should work. But as there are chances of sudden spikes, we can have two servers: one specifically for database and other one for the application where in we can have the web server also up and running. This should work for sure. If you need any help please drop an email to I can configure this for you at a minimal charge.

Posted by jayglate, 10-08-2010, 01:42 PM
Most cloud hosts aren't equipped to handle mySQL very well.

Posted by IGobyTerry, 10-08-2010, 01:48 PM
Handling PHP & MySQL is fairly easy for any host. What the poster needs is someone who is equipped with both the infrastructure and the experience to host a site that is going to be receiving several hits per second, which very few can handle. I like the idea of looking for a cloud host, but I'd also be looking for a content distribution network to reduce the impact on the server. The CDN will allow you to host your static files, like images, CSS ... etc, so your server doesn't have to serve those files as well.

Posted by cartika-andrew, 10-08-2010, 01:51 PM
Actually, to be a little more concise about this - MySQL is not built to off load storage to SANs, etc.. There are of course several considerations here. You could use an enterprise grade SAN which has specific modules and caching and handling in place to deal with offloaded databases like mysql, mssql, pgsql, oracle, etc.. Another option, if you are really concerned about it (though we have massive volume mysql and mssql databases running in our cloud without issue) - then you can look for a basic clustering solution. Run web service (in this case php) on a cloud node, and then run DB (mysql in this case) on a local storage VPS node. For what the user described here, a good cloud server running any control panel should easily meet their requirements..

Posted by ckeck, 10-08-2010, 03:26 PM
As others have mentioned, you definitely want to look at managed solutions for this project. If you have little experience directly administering a server this isn't the time to experiment. Several Cloud providers offer managed services, but you are still responsible for a portion of management. Other platforms like Cloud Sites from the Rackspace Cloud are fully managed and provide some inherent scalability so you wouldn't need to worry about resource constraints if traffic to the site is more than expected either. All in all, there are several decent solutions that will probably work, just go managed for this one -- thats my recommendation. Let me know how else I can help.

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